(no subject)

Sep 24, 2006 00:19

I start college tomorrow, an access course (prep for uni), it a narrative and documentary film making course. When I went to the induction day a coupe of weeks back the class mates I met seemed like a nice enough bunch. Only about 10 of us, which is Nice. Mostly over 21, which I like. I really didn't want to to be stuck with a load of just out of schoolers.

Was feeling quite high a short while ago. Elated and indomitable. But since Thursday I have been feeling more and more down, cranky and doubtful, Not like I can't shake it off. The amount of unhealthy food I've been eating these last couple of days probably contributed as did all the cycling without any proper time to recover. But it's easily sorted. Will still have to cycle till the end of the week when I get paid, but even then, my funds for public transport for the next month will be limited by all the things I need to buy. people I need to pay back, and trips I have to save for.

I rode about 47 miles y'day. `30 on Tuesday, and between 5 and 15 the rest of the week. Which is a lot for me so far. don't think I'll make it as a hardcore Come Rain, Sleet Or Snow rider to be honest. But I guess that'll depend on finances. College and work aren't actually that far from where I live, so it might be doable, just as long I I can lug about a change of clothes.

Haven't been cycling that long to be honest. It's great when I cycle and feel exhilarated during, all the endorphin rushing around my bod. I look froward to climbing again, since I've built up my legs since I last climbed. Tommy has invited me to go climb outside, which I should do before the weather turns. Climing to date has given me the best high. I cried from happiness when I did my fist toguht wall. And there are climbing shoes I can borrow, as well as a harness and rove and carabina and that thingy what you do the bilaying with.

I miss karate for the push push push. I miss the feeling of acomplishment when I get a move right, or get closer to perfecting a move. I miss being part of a gruop working towards a common goal. I miss the team spirit and the encouragement. I miss kicking/ punching the shit out of a punch bag. I miss sparing. I miss the psyica contact of practicing moves on fellow classmates. I've yet to achive my second belt, and I havnent attended any of the weapons classes yet. And thoguh I want to, when Igo back because I wont be able to afford bi weekly lessons. But I will just keep attending the syllabus lessons I think, as long as I train enough at home (strenght/ flexiblity/ cardio) it should be fine.

Love interests:
Nothing much happenign on this front to be honest, though I did catch eyes with a cute guy Witless knows when we went out the other night. Swapped emai l under the pretense of him sending me soem picture (not yet recived, *shrug*). Was invited to go back, by a friend of his. will post more if I get chatting to him and anything comes of it. All niht I was whispering :he's cute,, so cute... he's fit... so fit... he's a cutie" , Eventualy witless asked if it was OK for me to tell him, and when I replied 'Oh boy is it!" he did. Later, when I asked how Mr Cute reaced, Witless tld me he had a twinckle in his eye and said I had great hair. Sometimes it's frustrating being noted for my hair. But then, iwas only noticing Mr cute for his looks.
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