Sep 21, 2013 02:05
This is beyond doing, but I do enjoy writing and this has always been a lovely forum. This is waking Sarah up, surely.
I'm in the process of rediscovering music. The stress of full time work in Manhattan coupled with forced nascence during my daily commute is making me listen to music the way a teenager does. All of the emotion that I haven't felt in years is seeping back in to mundane subtleties for forty two minutes, two times a day; of course it isn't high school with money. I am still often enraptured in boredom the way only a fifty hour per week late twenty something can be. News, talk radio, and silence dominate my listening choices. I've a profound respect for silence; unimaginable to me eleven years ago, but every sound isn't worth listening to. However, now that I'm inundated with the filth of indiscriminate noise ranging from the benign hum of HVAC to malicious and pointless car horns, and I can't have silence, Ive adopted the local habit of producing my own sonic environment. When I'm walking down 5th avenue and "Buddy Holly" comes to mask the drear of the city, it makes me feel like I am 1000 miles away a decade ago on a beach whenwhere things werent so heavy. And that makes me smile.
A quick comment about whenwhere, Einstein redefined space and time in terms of each other and called it spacetime, yet there is no single word simultaneously encapsulating the interconnection of space and time as it is in the physical universe. We exist when and where we are whenever we are. Thus, I feel justified in taking the liberty to invent and use (liberally) whenwhere.
A quick note about punctuation: fuck it.