I've been doing fuck shit all the past few days. I think that for every day that my brain works, it requires a day to recover because, before the past few days of fuck all, I actually did manage to get quite a lot of work done and then all of a sudden *blank*.
I've cut quite a few stencils the past week, hopefully I'll be putting them up sometime soon with my partner in crime. London will be getting a lot more colourful in the near future (if we can afford colourful paints).
Check this guy out for craziest some of the stencils around,
The roof has been leaking the past week or so. Just had the repair guy come over and fix it, he looked exactly like Vin Diesel. Just that his name was Andy, just Andy.
One of these days, I'm gona jump in the car, get across the channel and drive myself to China. All the way through Europe, India and finally get to China. Eastern Europe and most of India might be a little dodgey to get through, I'll be suprised if it's as bad as Brixton though. Seems like a nice idea I guess, should be a better adventure than having Vin Diesel fix my roof.
Doing fuck shit all the time, means I have exactly the same to write about. I do promise to try harder in future.
I used to write a lot better than this, a lot more too.
Give me my brain back!!! and my lucky quarter please.
5. I will not be on time, especially if you're a hot date.
In a few years McDonalds will be serving a McMaki roll meal.
In 20 years from now they will be lacing their food with crack cocaine.