Nov 23, 2004 01:02
is it true that punk rockers used to smoke Parliments? my day tomorrow should suck. courtroom. sleep. work. ive planned this summers road trip. uhaul for 1day instate rental. get couch, 2 mattresses, speakers, bbq grill and four other people to bring 700 dollars apiece (2 of which are jr and gf) and get going. first, to florida (beach, party, gparents) then maine (potatoes, air, gpa) then canada (drugs, girl, nice people) then LA (rich bitches, rock, bands) then new mexico (indians, drugs, gma) then austin (college, girls, work) or corpus christi (college, girl, work). either'll do. Uhaul will be ticked, but they will get their truck back, just...with a late fee.