oh hey all, just a nother little update...last weekend I went to the charity ball with cass, meagan, dom and nicole. It was a great time, I got shit wasted (big surprise), but had a great time. This weekend past was just as good if not better, get shit wasted with jamie on thursday...had to work on friday which was alright, then me and brent went to get some drinks and dinner at work once we finished up, we racke up about a 150$ bill, but it was all on the house which was sweet. I then made my way to jamie's for another beer, then off to the market to meet up with lance jonny and big mama cass....we got shit wasted, really baked passed out at rez to wake up still being shit wasted....
Sat night was a culinary jam at zaphod's, my 2nd time there, I went for a my usual pre drink at the tompkins residence, and after finishing the better part of a 26'er of tanq, I made my way out there..met up with some friends and danced the night away. Last night I made some sick stir fry food, then me and nick got up to are usual snowbank/movie shinanananannanananannanagins. Had to cook at the schools restaurant today, it was alright.
that is all,
valentines day is tomorrow, but I have no date, so as far as I am concerned tomorrow is wednesday.
keepin' it studius,
The professor