calling all bakers

Dec 14, 2006 07:52

Does anyone have a good sugar cookie recipe that they'd like to share? My daughter tried making some last night and I hate to say it, they came out terribly! I love homemade cookies, but as of yet I can't find any sugar cookie recipes that can rival the store bought mixes...can anyone help?
My job search has become frantic to say the least. I need to find a job very soon as our health benefits will expire in April and I'll need to give time for a probation period. Can everyone cross their fingers for me?
I can't believe Christmas is around the corner! I've been wanting to start my super duper jumbo baking but I've been sick for the last several weeks. If not the stomach flu, it's the horrible cold that makes me want to just lay in bed 24/7. We haven't even started our Christmas shopping since one or both of us have been sick for the last couple of weeks. We're hoping to go this weekend and actually just get it all done. Oh, I did start my gingerbread ornaments today, they come out soooo cute and smell fabulous. Can't wait until I can bake them and hang them to dry and then I'll post the pics so you can see them come to life!
Ummmm...what else. I haven't sent out my Christmas cards yet which is horrible. I'm one of those people that send them out the first week of Dec., but we took our pics late and I hate them my bangs look so dumb so I've been putting getting the cards off for this long but today is the day. Or tomorrow. If anyone wants a card, send me your address at and I'll be glad to send you one. Then you too can see the dumbness of my bangs!
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