rush is the man

Sep 26, 2004 20:45

Kerry Gives "Speech of His Life",
Receives Smattering of Applause

September 15, 2004

Listen to Rush…
(…play the pathetic applause for Kerry's latest pathetic line)


Grab audio sound bite number 4. I have to tell you, there was a bunch of Democrats saying Kerry was going out to Detroit today, Detroit Economic Club, and he was going to give the economic speech of his life. I mean, the economic speech of his life he was going to make. Ah, this was going to set the new tone, the new campaign. It was gonna be a barn burner. I mean, it was going to be really, really good out there. And they say, "We're not going to have any specific proposals, we don't deal in hypotheticals." Do you believe that? What are you going to do about Iraq, senator? [Kerry impression] "I'm not going to say. I don't deal in hypotheticals. That's not a real question. I can't tell you that till I'm in the White House." What you are gonna do about North Korea? [Kerry impression] "I don't know. I can't tell you that. It's a hypothetical question. That doesn't…" Well, every question you get as a president is hypothetical.

Anyway, here's a sample of this barn burner speech. I mean, they said before the speech he had to rock the roof here, had to blow the roof off, had to really hit a home run, was going to really hit a home run, and here's a portion of it.

KERRY: I want to be clear, my friends. I'm not saying that the president wanted these consequences, but I am saying that by his judgments, by his priorities, by the decisions he made, he has caused these things to happen or to grow significantly worse. And he refuses to admit the error of those choices.


KERRY: In fact, this president has created more excuses than jobs. His is the excuse presidency.

RUSH: Do you hear the applause?

KERRY: This is the excuse presidency. Never wrong, never responsible, never to blame.

RUSH: My friends, this is -- there's no energy. There's no life. There's no heart. He doesn't sound like he wants to be there. I thought the new slogan was "W. stands for wrong"? Now there's a new slogan, "This is the excuse president." Did you hear that applause? (Clapping lightly.) I don't know. You know, it's hard to sit here and do this, my friends. To see somebody actually plunge in this way. But somebody has to tell you about it. Somebody has to tell you honestly.

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