(no subject)

Jan 23, 2008 20:51

Going back to school tomorrow after mid-year break. T_T
I'm disappointed and not in the least bit excited.

But I would rather leave such bitterness behind since I finished (FINALLY) all of my research apps.
Except for Cornell, but Cornell will have to wait, I have more important things on my mind.
LIKE.. studying for exams which is exactly what I will do after this and showering and going into bed.
Cette nuit, je rêverai en français si ce serai possible.

My parents are watching tennis downstairs. x_x That is so like them. I mean they won't even watch football or baseball. Only tennis and soccer. And they refer to all the players by their first names, which is a ton creepy, like "wow.. Venus is losing her skill right?" or "Come one, Maria, push it!" I keep on hearing these random yells which frighten me, but only slightly. Its the same during the world cup, except I watch it with them and me and my dad practically glue ourselves to the couch. He's in it for the game, I'm in it for the hott soccer players (<333). But hey, he doesn't have to know. ;]
I do like the game I guess. But only when good teams are playing. Like I can't stand all the Brit leagues and the constant obsession of Europe. On the other hand, I might fit right in.
Europe and soccer is to South Korea and boy bands.
Can't come up with a better analogy? Yeah... my brain is falling apart tonight.

Au demain.
Je sais que je vais détéster tout ce que j'écrirai en français maintenant, parce que c'est toujours mauvais. T_T
oooo... comme je n'aime pas la langue français, ou pas de langue... ainsi ma classe de français et un prof qui ne peut pas enseigner.

Bisous pour vous. <33

DBSK's new Japanese album is a must to download buy!!
Love in the ice is my new favorite song in Japanese (after Begin and Sky, but those will forever be undefeated)
I love the ahhhiing in the background of Jae's heavenly voice and the arrangement sounds amazing (which is not the same for all of teh songs on the album *shudder at together*) It's such an emotional soft spoken song. ^^
Which is erfect for their voices cause DBSK is much more dancy and flashy in Japan with their overdone overspiked hair and R-n-B-ish feel.
But love in the Ice is definite drool-worthy material. :]

french, frustration

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