Effects: Some pain, nervousness, denial, and guilt.
Warnings: Blood and death.
[the feed starts showing the final scene from the last dream. Sherlock pointing a gun at some explosives by the pool, Moriarty waiting patiently for it to happen.
Sherlock hesitates, thinking of all the possible outcomes, none of them really good. But he had to. He glanced at John who was also waiting for something to happen. Sherlock inhaled, clearing his mind as best as possible, and shot.
And all hell broke loose.
He suddenly feels someone (possibly John, he couldn't recognize anything) grab him and push him to the pool. He felt the water surround him. When he opened his eyes, he saw something much worse than just the transparent water. From John's body there was a great quantity of blood flowing out from his side. Alarmed, Sherlock hung on to his friend and mustered all the strength he could to push them out.
It hurt to get out, and the air was full of dust, but that didn't matter. Sherlock dragged his friend out of the water to place him on the cold tile floor. But when Sherlock observed the wound on John's side and to the bloodied water, he knew there was nothing he could do. He was dead. Because of his fault, John was dead.]
No. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't. He couldn't. It's impossible.
[He repeats those words in his head various times, but his logic told him otherwise. There was nothing he could do.]
[The dream ends, and Sherlock wakes up with a start, slightly more shaken than usual about his dreams. He takes a deep breath, before turning off the feed.
Today was not a good day.]