summer, summer, summertime

May 31, 2005 08:04

so im now seventeen as of May 23rd and i know for the next month whenever i am asked my age i will still respond with sixteen... this years talent show was actually the best ive seen in my three years at the high school...of course having bobby (RAS$) rap was def. a good bonus. i officially handed in my last portfolio and i actually liked some of the stuff i wrote in it so hopefully i get a good grade...finishing it basically was the last work i did all year...although i have random other things to do i have basically given up however i think i might have to study for some finals well just because im a nerd... MEGGY turned 16!!! and she got her permit...she is finally one of us! some things are getting a lot better while other a just staying the same...this summer is going to be very weird...i can tell that everyone is just going to change a little bit i dont know if it is going to be in a good way or not...basically because everyone has crazy schedules but i hope i just have lots of fun and let loose for one of my last summers of high school...all i want to do is wake up late, go to breakfast, lay by the pool, and relax with people that i love and that will please me :) i think finals are very stupid...see they tell us they do them to prepare us for college but in middle school did they prepare us for finals in high school?? NO! so then why don't we just wait till college and take them...i mean i understand why they would want us to take them but half the time they screw people over i know i cant remember things from awhile ago nor can most people and nobody wants to study for finals when its nice they should get rid of them or at least make a rule that you dont have to take them if you have an A in the class...granted i dont want to take the physics exam i could handle that rather than all of them. thats just my opinion... me and lard stopped the red bull truck today and i got free red bull and i told him to come to my hockey practices and games so i have his card and im def. calling him! this is whats up for JUNE: (i know everyone wants to know) -6/3-AP History and American Authors Exams -6/4-SAT's -6/5-i have to go to some thing for the seniors and hand out packets?? -6/6-Trig/Anal Geo and Physics Exams -6/7-Latin Exam -6/8-NO EXAMS!!! which means i dont have to go to school at all!!! (so basically from the 3rd to the 7th im just taking tests and exams...wonderful) -6/9-Last Day of School!!! -6/10-Erics Graduation! -6/11-St. Joes College Quest Camp (Field Hockey) -6/12-Erics Graduation PARTY!!! -6/13-6/17-Im a Camp Counselor from 9-12 then my hockey camp from 1-4 FUN FUN!! -6/21-6-26-BOSTON! (hockey camp and college searches) PARTY AT THE MALONEY RESIDENCE WHILE IM GONE!! haha just messing -6/30-MAURA's B-DAY 17! ~over and out -caitlin
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