Jun 09, 2011 18:30

F.U.N. Club Of The Year
Past & Present


A couple years ago, the FUN Board of Directors, approved a Club of the Year Award. This award is in recognition of the Florida coin club voted by a panel of FUN judges to be the best all around coin club in the state, with regard to, web-site, newsletter, young numismatist program, educational programs, speaking to civic organizations, increased membership, club brochure, coin show, club library, donations to libraries and schools, and participation in state and national programs.

Here are the award winners for the last three years.

Club Of The Year 2010
Central Florida Coin Club


Central Florida Coin Club (CFCC) was awarded the FUN/Florida Coin Club of the Year presented by FUN VP Tony Swicer at the Summer FUN show in Orlando. Accepting the large plaque and check for $500 were the club President Bob Russell and Treasurer Donna Moon. CFCC members handle public registration for all of the FUN conventions held in Orlando.

Club Of The Year 2009
Palm Beach Coin Club


Palm Beach Coin Club (PBCC) was awarded the FUN/Florida Coin Club of the Year presented by FUN President Bob Hurst at the Summer FUN show in West Palm Beach. Accepting the large plaque and check for $500 was the club President Tony Swicer. Tony is shown later in a group photo with club members that were volunteering at the Public Registration booth.

Club Of The Year 2008
Greater Jacksonville Coin Club


A couple years ago, the FUN Board of Directors, approved a Club of the Year Award. The winner of the very first FUN's Club of the Year Award was the Greater Jacksonville Coin Club (GJCC). Accepting the award for the GJCC was President Tom Bobbitt and his lovely wife Barbara.

2012 Nomination Process

FUN/ Florida Coin Club Of The Year

General Rules-

1. A questionnaire will go out to all Florida coin clubs inviting them to participate in the “FUN/ Florida Coin Club of the Year” contest. They must return the questionnaire by April 1st, 2012 to Tony Swicer, to qualify.

2. A panel of 3 judges (FUN board members) will fill out the scoring sheet based on the 11 questions asked of each club. Each question will be scored from O to 5, 5 being the highest or best score on each question. There are also 10 bonus points available at the judges discretion. The 11 scores are tallied on the sheet, plus bonus points, and the highest score is the winner.

3. No club can win the contest more than once every 3 years.

4. The winning club will be announced at the Summer FUN show, July, 2012.

5. The winning club will receive a Life membership in FUN plus $200. If the club is already a life member, then it will receive a check for $500. Either way, the club will receive a plaque, “FUN, Club of the Year”.


The Questionnaire

FUN/ Florida Coin Club Of The Year

Hello FUN member club,

In an effort to communicate more with FUN member clubs, FUN has decided to have a “Coin Club of the Year” contest. If your club is interested in participating in this program, please fill out the questions below and return to Tony Swicer by April 1st, 2012.

Club Name______________________________________________________________

1. Do you have a web site? _________. If yes, what is it?________________________

2. Do you have a club newsletter?________ Make sure Tony Swicer receives copies.

3. Do you have a Young Numismatist program?_________

4. Do you have educational programs at club meetings?__________ How often?____________________________________________________.

5. Do members of your club speak at the local Library, school, civic organizations?________________________________________________.

6. Approximately what was your membership in 2000 and what is it now___________________________________________________________.

7. Do you have a club brochure or pamphlet ?______________________________

8. Does your club have a coin show?____________ How often?__________________

9. Does your club have a library and/or videos?_____________

10. Does your club donate numismatic books, etc. to libraries and schools?_______________________________________________________.

11. Does your club participate in ANA events such as National Coin Week?____________________________.

Please note- Not every club will do all of the above. Feel free to attach additional information about your club. Last year, the highest scoring clubs attached lots of additional information.

Please return to; Tony Swicer By April 1st, 2012

What Is The Criteria For Club Of The Year?

FUN/ Florida Coin Club Of The Year
A panel of judges vote of the coin club using the following criteria.

1.Web site- is it current? Does it tell all about the club? Is it easy to use?

2. Club Newsletter- is it attractive?, organized?, presents club news, educational articles, pictures, original and creative?

3. YN Program- Do they have YN meetings, auctions, Boy/Girl Scout program?

4. Club Educational Programs- How often? Guest Speakers?, Slides, DVD, or Video programs?

5. Outreach/ Talks- Talks at Libraries, Schools, Civic organizations, booths at fairs.

6. Membership Has the club increased membership over the past 9 years?

7. Club Brochure- should tell who, what, where, when. Should include all info including membership application.

8. Club Coin Show- How often is there a show? Does it pay for itself? Do you get new club members from it?

9. Educational Resources Do they have a Club Library and videos?

10. Charity Does the club donate numismatic books to multiple libraries, schools, etc.? Such as new Red Books.

11. Outside Work Does the club participate in ANA national events such as “National Coin Week”?
Don't Delay Apply Today!
Share Your Thoughts On The Club Of The Year Awards

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Mark Your Calendars

Be sure to mark your calendar and come see us at the FUN Show!

59th Annual FUN Convention: January 9-12, 2014
Orange County Convention Center West Building Hall WE, Orlando, Florida

8th Annual Summer FUN Convention: July 10-12, 2014
Orange County Convention Center West Building, Hall WE1, Orlando, Florida

60th Annual FUN Convention: January 8-11, 2015
Orange County Convention West Building, Hall WD, Orlando, Florida

9th Annual Summer FUN Convention: July 9-11, 2015
Orange County Convention West Building, Hall WA2, Orlando, Florida

61st Annual FUN Convention: January 7-10, 2016 Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida

62nd Annual FUN Convention: January 5-8, 2017 Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida

63rd Annual FUN Convention: January 4-7, 2018 Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida
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Thanking You In Advance,
fun_forums Mods ♥

greater jacksonville coin club, award-club of the year award, member clubs, central florida coin club, club of the year award, palm beach coin club

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