F.U.N. 2012
Lost and Found
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Lost and Found Item List from the 2012 F.U.N. Show
Lost and Found
The items listed below were found at the FUN 2012 Annual Convention. If you think one of these items may be yours, call Cindy at 407-321-8747 and give an accurate description and the item will be returned to you.
1. Receipt book. Appears to belong to a dealer. First page has a log of expenses, and all other receipts written are for foreign coins sold
2. Colonial paper currency
3. 1 U.S. coin
4. Game Boy cartridge
5. Eyeglasses
6. Loop magnifying glass on a chain.
7. Hand-held magnifying glass.
8. Keychain with 4 keys. Appears to be from the Orlando area, based on the keychain holder.
9. Piece of jewelry
10. 1 piece of foreign currency
Remember to mark your calendar for our next convention set for July 12 through 14 in the West Concourse - Hall D2 located at 9800 International Drive, Orlando, Florida. We will be offering a morning program for
Young Numismatists open to all boys and girls from around the greater Orlando area. As part of our community outreach we also offer a Coin Collecting merit badge clinic for the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America in the afternoon. If your club is a member of FUN why not take advantage of the
Get on the Bus program that we offer to our member clubs. You or your club are not members yet?? Why not join?
Hopefully we will see you soon!!
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fun_forumsThanking You In Advance,
fun_forums Mods ♥