The FUN Coin Club Manual
The FUN Coin Club Manual
During the general meeting at the 57th Annual FUN show, club President Tony Swicer introduced The FUN Coin Club Manual. The manual is provided to you in a PDF format. Simply click the link to browse the manual or save it to your computer hard drive.
We hope any questions you have regarding the FUN organization are addressed within this manual. Below you will find the Table of Contents. As you can see this manual is filled with helpful hints for our FUN member clubs. Beyond the above, there is information as to how to acquire and make use of the items in our FUN library.
Table of Contents
FUN Code of Ethics
The Goals of FUN
The Benefits of Membership
Coin Club Officers
Increasing Coin Club Membership
FUN Club Liaisons
FUN Club Web Sites
Who to Contact at FUN
Club Bus Trip Application
FUN/ Florida Coin Club of the Year
A Typical Coin Club Agenda
Twenty Four Ways to Improve Your Coin Club
Running a Local Coin Show
Coin Show Check List
Club Outreach Letter
Coin Show Etiquette
FUN Library - VHS, Slides, and Books
FUN DVD Library - 2003 to 2007
FUN Show DVD’s - 2009 to 2011
FUN Coin Club Manual We encourage our FUN Member Clubs to download the manual and utilize its content to improve your own coin club.
If you require additional information we would be happy to assist you further. Simply state your question in the comment section and we will see that it is addressed in a timely manner.
Thank you for making the 57th Annual FUN show a success! We hit record numbers this year! We hope our FUN member dealers had a great show!
fun_forums on LiveJournal is FUN’s interactive “community” journaling site. It was created to provide information on the FUN Show and answer questions from our members and convention guests. In addition, it keeps our members current on all things “numismatic” while acting as a memory book sharing videos and pictures from all things “FUN”. As a FUN “community” anyone can join and create journal entries to share numismatic news and comment on same.
Marketing 101 Member Clubs can use FUN Forums to advertise their upcoming shows and events. This means your club shows will get the added exposure through the internet “traffic” from not only our official Fun Topics website, but all our social networking sites as well. Can your club afford to lose out on this free marketing opportunity? Join the forums and create a post using our easy posting format
A Helping Hand: Remember, we are here to help one another. If you have questions on sharing content we’d be happy to assist you. Open lines of “communication” is what we are striving to accomplish here. Therefore, if you need assistance getting started we are here to help you. We are only a blog comment or email away.
UNITY! Bringing FUN Member Clubs together is what it's all about! Thank you for being part of the FUN family.
Side Note
I had a blast talking to everyone at the show. I am currently sorting through the hundreds of photographs and videos taken on the bourse floor. Be on the look out for video interviews with Q. David Bowers, Bill Fivaz, The Penny Lady, Dave Harper and more.
If I took your photograph and promised to email it to you. Please be patient. I haven't forgotten you. We will be posting a photo gallery here on
fun_forums of my photographs as well. So you'll definitely get all that was promised. :)
What is it they say? Do something you LOVE and you'll never work a day in your life? I concur with that statement! I sincerely appreciate those of you who took the time to share with me your time, image and talent. YOU made my work FUN! Thanks everyone!
A Note From Your Moderators
Sharing Is Caring. You don't have to be a member of F.U.N. to comment. Comments are welcome from everyone FUN Members, Collectors, Dealers, and Convention Guests (i.e. General Public). Simply take a moment to
register for a LiveJournal Account LiveJournal also offers you the ability to post and comment using your credentials from other external sites, such as
Google, Facebook, and Twitter. In addition, to sites that use
OpenID Members are encouraged to create discussion posts to share Numismatic News. Won’t you please share your thoughts and opinions with us.
Utilize Tags
Make "tags" your friend. Do you want to search for something by topic? Click
Tags to view various topics. Once on the tags page, click the subject that interests you. All posts related to that topic will appear for your reference. There is also a
Directory link list on our Welcome Page for your easy reference. Everything you wanted to know is right at your fingertips. It is really just that easy. :)
The tags link is located on our
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fun_forums is tagged to make finding articles on a particular topic easier later.
Other helpful hints for posting in this community can be found in the following threads:
Community RulesF.U.N. Forums Directory F.U. N. Forums Frequently Asked Questions Topics of interest should range from upcoming conventions, numismatic laws relating to the industry and/or your latest numismatic discovery. If the topic falls into the realm of “Numismatic News” it can be shared. So please consider giving back to your community by creating a post.
fun_forums community is for fellowship, fun and informational purposes only. It was NOT created for you to direct traffic to your own blog or web site. Therefore, please refrain from posting advertisements for your business. All solicitation postings will be deleted from the community.
Disclaimer: All content found within FUN Forums or FUN Convention TV is presented for informational purposes only. Florida United Numismatists, Inc. makes no guarantee as to the suitability, accuracy, correctness, completeness or validity of any information found on these sites and will not be held liable for any errors, omissions, delays in the information, damages, nor any losses or injuries arising from its display or use. Articles, commentary or opinions are contributed by the participants or author(s) without compensation and they are solely responsible for the content. All information is provided on an as-is basis.
Mark Your Calendars
Be sure to mark your calendar and come see us at the FUN Show!
59th Annual FUN Convention: January 9-12, 2014 - Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida
8th Annual Summer FUN Convention: July 10-12, 2014 - OCCC West Building, Hall WE1, Orlando, Florida
60th Annual FUN Convention: January 8-11, 2015 - Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida
9th Annual Summer FUN Convention: July 9-11, 2015 - OCCC West Building, Hall WA2, Orlando, Florida
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fun_forums Thanking You In Advance,
fun_forums Mods ♥