Nov 24, 2006 08:04
Hey guys! I have an example of how I am being pushed back to school! The other day I got an e-mail saying that my teacher recommendations haven't been received yet. So I think to my self "I'll handel that next week". I decide to focus on getting the BLACK FRIDAY sales, my cousin and I design a plan of attack and everything so we can get in get out get home, it was - WAL-MART, BEST BUY, KOHL'S, TARGET, BREAKFAST, HOME. We go to our first stop as planned but Best Buy was crazy people waiting in line outside the store so we skip them, go to Kohl's then Target (which was a maybe on the list, we only went for one thing, and though about not going at all until we say the line at Best Buy and knew we had time to kill). That's when destiny intervened (don't laugh) my former assistant principal Mrs. Crosslan (I think I spelled that right) who happens to be one of the people who wrote me a recommendation! She saw me before I say her (I told you! weird huh?) she asked me about my application, I told her they just sent me an email that they didn't receive the recommendations, she said she had saved hers and Mrs Hatcher (former math teacher) had saved hers and they would print them out this time and mail them.
See what I mean, everything is falling into place. It's kind of freaky. But it makes me feel better about my decisions.