Title: The Lost Memory (Chapter 5)
Pairings: Kyumin
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Romance, drama, angst
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun is a happy couple. One day, they got into an accident and Kyuhyun forget everything about Sungmin. Will he remember his only love or forget about him forever?
“Ne… let’s make a promise” )
Anyway, thank you for update this story...
I'm waiting for it... qeqeqeqe
Evil Seohyun...
she will make Kyu hate Min more!
Really I want to smack Kyu's head >.<
Why did he always forgot about his promise!
Even it's not fully his fault,
but still... he make Min crying!
Pabo Kyu is always a pabo :P
ooh that,, hehehe about the college hahaha
let's smack his head together??
he has a problem with his memories?? kekekeke
That's why I want to smack his head,
I want Kyu to get his memories back... Hahaha
I heard it's UTS time, right dear?
Is that what make you gloomy?
I hope not ^^
Goodluck with the college things dear!
Fighting! A-Cha... A-Cha ;)
I heard it's UTS time, right dear?
Is that what make you gloomy?
I hope not ^^
Goodluck with the college things dear!
Fighting! A-Cha... A-Cha ;)
but yeah... it's getting close day after day, hahaha
thank you unnie
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