...в свете перспектив гипотетического перехода к плановому производству. За период с 2004 по 2012 годы процент бизнес-проектов с просроченным временем исполнения - 71-84%. С выходом за проектную стоимость - 46-59%.
Very few large projects perform well to the project management triple constraints of cost, time, and scope. In contrast to small projects, which have a greater than 70% chance of performing well, a large project has virtually no chance of coming in on time, on budget, and within scope, which is The Standish Group's definition of a successful project. A large project has twice the chance of being late, over budget, and missing critical features than its smaller project counterparts. A large project is more than 10 times more likely to fail outright, meaning it will be cancelled or will not be used because it outlived its useful life prior to implementation.