AMAT: Relationships

Sep 14, 2009 03:20

LAST UPDATED: December 7, 2009



Love Interest

The first person to accept Saya aside from Ougai. She took care of him back home, and is his savior just as much as she's his ruiner, having given him a reason to continue on living while at the same time furthering his downward spiral (eating your best friend's girlfriend, anyone?). Even though he's gone now, she still loves him, and the fact that he'd depended on her for so long made her feel useful. Fuminori is irreplacable, but she knows that she needs to move on if she wants to survive in Atia.


She doesn't like him. He and the doctor worked together to kill her, and it was because of Kouji's actions that Fuminori ended up killing himself. Because she didn't die immediately, Saya had to watch him die before she soon followed. The fact that Fuminori doesn't like him any longer is another reason she acts the way she does toward Kouji, and she's taken it upon herself to make his stay in Atia a miserable one.

Close Acquaintance;
Sort of Lover

The first person to help Saya with her collar. She thinks he's nice and likes talking to him. The Game Silabus talks about playing back home intrigues her, and she'd like to learn more about it; she wishes that they had something like that back home, because hiding behind an online persona and making friends without needing to show herself to anyone seemed like it would have been the perfect thing for her.


Another something-turned-human, and because of this, she seems to get along with him, at least a little bit. He also doesn't seem to care about her odd quirks, like mentioning eating puppies, especially since he apparently isn't much better. They could probably stand to get to know each other better, and it helps that Saya is curious about nearly everything.

Close Acquaintance

He seems really nice, worrying about her collar when it was getting tight, and he even offered to teach her how to play the piano. And as someone who's always looking to learn new things, his offer was well-received.

Close Acquaintance;
'Big Brother'

Since arriving in Atia, Sam has been nothing but helpful to her. He seems to watch out for her, keeping her best interests in mind, and is indeed a bit of a brother-figure to her. Of course, she knows a lot more about taking care of herself than she lets on. Really, walking around outside late at night has never been a problem for her before. The night belongs to Saya, after all.


Saya isn't sure what to think of Johnny. On one hand, he's nice to her, but she doesn't really understand him or his views. Learning everything she knows about love from the books she's read, she can't understand loving multiple people in that way. She's become a romantic that believes in the concept of True Love and, like she's told Johnny before, so long as she has Fuminori, that is all that matters to her.

The One That
Got Away

She's always going to wonder how Sho tastes. :(


One of the first people to help Saya when she arrived, offering to take her shopping for new clothes. She doesn't talk to Shirley a whole lot, but during the times that they've spoken, she's been nothing but friendly to Saya, which is about all it takes to get into her good graces. Shirley also had to explain why being nude was considered indecent-a concept that she still can't quite completely grasp, but at least she's making clothed appearances on the Network now!


Quickly becoming one of her favorite people. While he does things that many may consider vile, Saya doesn't care, and is quite interested in him. He let her have a corpse that he found, and also took a picture of a dead bird that she found to be "pretty." She wants to help him find more things to take pictures of, and it will certainly be interesting to see how they mindfuck everyone on the island get along as her stay in Atia continues.


She met him the first time she had to seek help over the Network after Fuminori's disappearance, and has been going to him regularly for help since. Saya's come to enjoy his company, as he's been nothing but nice to her, and has even gone so far as to lie for him. She has yet to learn that he's been the one behind the latest string of murders, but if she ever finds out, it likely won't change her opinion of him. After all, she isn't much better.

Good Friend;

Another woman that has been nothing but nice to Saya since arriving, and so she can't help but like her. She isn't weirded out by any of Saya's little quirks, like hunting small animals and preferring to eat them raw-even offering to give her some recipes, should she ever want to experiment. Maryann has been teaching her how to dance, and also seems to love the forest as much as she does.

Nii-san :3c

First, he said he loved her and that he wanted to date her, and then she broke up with him. Then, she found out that the message was meant for someone else and thought it was utterly romantic. She respects him for wanting to be devoted to one person, since she can easily relate. Saya also brings up that whole "Ranma's fucking our your mom"-thing a lot and doesn't understand why he keeps yelling at her when she's just stating fact. :(


HE FUCKED HER MOTHER. Except she doesn't have one, so he gave her Ryoga's. He's a very confusing, but interesting, character and so she doesn't mind being a part of his (and the rest of the Ranma ½ cast's) retarded antics; she constantly brings up his tryst with Ryoga's mother, thinks that it's ~true love~ and unwittingly helps Ranma bait him. She's also waiting for someone to get killed so she can have the corpse.


Haaaate. Ryouko is the woman who discovered how to kill her back home and helped Kouji do it. Unfortunately, it's much more difficult for Saya to tease her than it is him. She isn't aware that Ryouko knows who she really is yet, and so Saya is much more careful around her. Of course, it's only a matter of time before they have another showdown.


Originally did not like him. She's at the very bottom of his breast chart (at least, she was until he moved someone else to the bottom-but that was simply out of spite, so it doesn't count) and she's already very sensitive about her flat-chest. :( He was finally able to get on her good side by letting her have a cute, stray kitten she named Tiger. Of course, he doesn't realize that she only likes him because he provided her with a free meal, rather than a pet.


Saya thinks Sara is nice and very helpful! She helped Saya name her future dinner and everything. :3c

Friend :DD

He's totally tsundere for her. She gropes herself because of a misunderstanding, and he calls her a retard. She eats food raw, and he tells her that she'll get sick if she doesn't cook it. HE MUST LIKE HER EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT, RIGHT? Even if he only likes big boobs. :( Saya sees him as more of a father-figure than anything else, anyway. Because, y'know, Guts would be a totally awesome dad.

Don't see someone on here that should be? Leave a comment and I'll add them!

amat, relationships

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