I didn't ask for anything, but my family still got me a lot of awesome stuff, including...
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village for DS
- Gardening Mama for DS
- Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere DVD
- really, really, really cute vintage apron
- two vegan dessert cookbooks
- $75 Trader Joe's giftcard (now that will come in handy!)
- some other misc goodies including soap, candy, and an Ingenuitea teapot (I already have one, so I'll keep one at work ^^)
I had an amazing New Year's. I went to a party in Oakland with Rain, Kim, Lupe, and Kim's beau Adam. It was such a great party, saw and met a lot of cool people, and had an all-around fantastic time. Since then, I've just been selling stuff on eBay (I did pretty well this past week!) and trying to relax - playing my DS, Scrabble and cribbage with Rain, and watching How I Met Your Mother and Doctor Who. :)