App for lunar_abyssus

Jun 22, 2010 21:52

Name: Cal (Calenlass Greenleaf)
Journal: calen_greenleaf
Age: 18+
IM: None, but if this is required:
Other Characters: N/A

Name: Kanda Yuu (Yuu is first name)
Series: D.Gray-man
Age: 19/20
Occupation: Exorcist
Timeline: Chapter 196

History: D.Gray-man’s wiki is a bit iffy, so this is what I’ve written out (SPOILERS THROUGHOUT)-

His real childhood has still to be expanded on in the manga. Presumably, he had a normal life up to the moment he synchronised with the Innocence. Thereupon, he became an Exorcist and fought for the Black Order. And then he died.

Too short? Not so. Because the Order was carrying out experiments regarding Exorcists and their Innocence, called the Second Exorcists Project. They took his brain and implanted it into a body of a child of about eight or nine years, blocking his old memories. They gave him the name Yuu and told him that he was a synthetic disciple “created” by the Order for the purpose of fighting Akuma. He knew no better; his memories were gone. A tattoo on the left side of his chest kept him alive during the experiments of forcing him synchronise with his old Innocence. A sulky, quiet child, he quietly accepted it, along with “dying” multiple times. It was the only life he knew, after all. At the very least, there was Alma. Who was Alma? Another synthetic disciple with a personality that was Yuu’s polar opposite. Cheerful, optimistic, energetic-everyone liked him except Yuu. Alma never gave up trying to make friends with Yuu, and eventually they did develop a sort of friendship after pummelling each other.

Then his memories started returning. They had already been popping up, but it hadn’t been painful-until now. A woman in his dreams, faceless and nameless. A myriad of flowers. The bloody aftermath of a battle. So the scientists decide to put him into stasis. Alma eavesdrops and attempts a rescue/escape mission, only to be caught by members of Crow. Trying to be helpful, Alma kicks him into an irrigation canal. Only Yuu doesn’t even make it outside; a pointed Crow needle is stuck in his back and preventing him from healing. He runs into Noise Marie-an exorcist whose sight was destroyed in a battle. Marie pulls the needle out of him, and Yuu realises he recognises Marie’s smell. The Crow catch up at this moment, and Yuu is taken back. But the memories don’t stop; instead, he remembers more, until he slowly pieces the facts together.

He had died. He had never been “synthetic.” He then laughs at this revelation, right before the scientists put him in stasis and his laughter turns to screams. Painful screams. A memory of the women who continuously appears in his dreams and memories makes him awaken, and at the moment the Innocence synchronises with him, taking on the form of a blade with a feathered hilt (which I assume is the raw form of Mugen). He staggers out, filled with anger fro what they did to him, he thinks of killing everyone in his mind. He stumbles upon Marie, and while helping the Exorcists out, he realises that because he’s with someone, he can go on living. If he had been alone, he wouldn’t have known what he might have done. Yuu decides to look for Alma, so they can escape.

He comes across a smiling Alma, but behind him lays a scene of carnage-Alma, realising moments before Yuu about what had happened in their pasts, had served justice in his mind by killing all the scientists in the area. He then says he has to kill Yuu, because he can’t kill himself and be done with this world. Alma claims that as long as they live, they won’t be accepted, and that they’d always be used as tools. Only, Yuu doesn’t share Alma’s sentiments. He says he wants to live, even if he has to destroy Alma to do that, and he ends up killing Alma multiple times until he can’t regenerate.

Here the manga leaves a gap in his story, and the only things it gives is that Yuu’s Innocence is forged into a proper sword by Zhu, and that Zhu tells him the flower he sees in his waking moments is only an illusion. At some point Yuu has the surname “Kanda” added, and he becomes General Frio Tiedoll’s apprentice, along with Noise Marie. Presumably the Second Exorcist Project is swept away under a rug and forgotten by most people, or at least, it is not spoken of.

Other sources written by Hoshino indicate these facts about him (quote from the D.Gray-man wiki):

Age 9: Met Marie before Alma Karma's "death[.]"
Age 10: Became Tiedoll's pupil and traveled around the world for a year before going to the Black Order. Met Lenalee (age 8) and fellow pupil's partner, Marie.
'Age 12: Komui joins the Headquarters as the Science Division chief. Daisya Barry joins the [O]rder. Jerry becomes [H]ead [C]hef and Kanda eats soba for the first time and was touched by the delicious taste, and ever since he has had [s]oba for his three daily meals.'
Age 16: Lavi joins the Order. Kanda nearly decapitated Lavi for calling him Yu[u] after Tiedoll.

What can be read is that he was a mostly model Exorcists who got his missions done. He has little patience for incompetence and naivety, though he does appear to flout Levellier’s authority by letting Lenalee sneak into his room on occasion. Anyone who calls him by his first name is harshly dealt with.

Officially, Kanda appears in D.Gray-man Chapter 5. He’s just returned from a mission when the alert goes off that there’s an Akuma at the gates of Headquarters, and he ends up nearly killing Allen Walker until it was revealed that Allen had an anti-Akuma weapon. Pride somewhat bruised (Lenalee hits him over the head for being suspicious even after Komui sends a message that Allen isn’t an Akuma), he says he doesn’t associate with cursed people and stalks off. Later, during a meal, he knocks heads with Allen in regards to the position of a Finder in this war, and enmity forms between them, especially after he calls Allen “Moyashi,” meaning “Beansprout.”

Unfortunately, he and Allen are sent off on a mission to retrieve Innocence from Mater, Italy. He tells Allen that if he’s a nuisance, he doesn’t care and will leave Allen behind. They manage to mostly get along until Kanda is tricked by a Level 2 Akuma who just leveled up and had undocumented powers. Kanda is dealt a severe injury, but even so, he is angered by what thinks is naivety in Allen. Still, Kanda offers his help because while he hates people like Allen, he hates people who don’t uphold their promises more. After the mission, Kanda waits until he’s healed (with the aid of his tattoo, though Komui notes that the regeneration rate is slowing) before going onto his next mission.

The next appearance Kanda has is while he, Noise Marie, and Daisya Barry are searching for their master, General Tiedoll. The Earl is on the move, and several Innocence have been destroyed. Daisya is killed by Tyki Mikk, but Kanda and Marie continue on until they find Tiedoll. The group then heads for Edo. They arrive in time to see other Exorcists nearly being taken down by several Noah and Akuma. Kanda briefly faces Tyki Mikk until the Earl suddenly destroys most of what remained of Edo. Allen arrives at that moment, saving Lenalee, but because his appearance has somewhat changed, Kanda again mistakes him for an enemy. They argue heatedly for a moment as tensions were high.

Later, Kanda and other Exorcists are dragged into the Ark, and are told they have three hours to find the exit before the Ark is downloaded and it disappears. They enter the first room, where they run into Skinn Bolic, the Noah of Wrath. Kanda recognizes him as the Noah who has been following him and his general around before they went to Edo, and he tells the others to go on so that he can finish his mission. When the others are reluctant to leave, he forces them to leave by unleashing his Innocence on them. They do leave, but not before Kanda promises that he will catch up. The battle is long, but Kanda wins (And so far, he’s the only one seen to have succeeded in “killing” a Noah). He pays for this however, by having part of his life reserve stripped; the tattoo on his chest grows, and it takes him longer to heal. His Innocence has shattered into pieces, but not destroyed and thus can be repaired. The room crumbles around him, and he smirks before that section of the Ark falls off. He is hardly dead, though, because Allen manages to stop the Ark from downloading, and the room comes back. Kanda finds the others, and all return to Headquarters.

He endures his stay in the infirmary as long as he can before he leaves, claiming it is too noisy to sleep and scorning his General’s attempts to spoil him. During this brief interlude, Kanda pays a compliment, albeit the only one he’ll ever admit to paying. Headquarters is under attack all-too-soon, but though his Innocence is under repair, he takes up a regular sword and continues to fight, going up against a never-seen before Level 4 Akuma. He even protects Komui and ends up getting hit by the Akuma virus, but with his tattoo he can still heal. Despite his dislike of Allen, he lends the younger Exorcist a hand because out of he, Lavi, and Allen, Allen is the only one with his Innocence intact. The Level 4 is eventually destroyed, and he stalks off.

Headquarters is then ordered to move because the Enemy knew their location, and presumably he retrieves his Innocence after the move. After the move, the Order reveals that Allen is the host for the Fourteenth Noah, and that he becomes said Noah, he is to be killed. Allen accepts this willing, but in Kanda’s mind, this is nothing short of giving up, and he hates Allen for that. But because fate hates them, they have to take missions together. They mostly resort to glaring, and even their golems catch on and are hostile to each other (Timcampi later ends up eating Kanda’s golem). A series of strange robberies sends them to France to investigate. They find the Innocence, but the Earl has caught wind of their mission and sent several Akuma. A long, bloody battle is fought, and Kanda sees Allen skewer himself on his Innocence and begin screaming. He’s probably the first to realize that it’s the Fourteenth, and he stabs at Allen-next to his head. He calls Allen his usual scornful nickname, and Allen snaps out of it. Apparently he says nothing about the matter, because Allen is still an Exorcist.

Back at Headquarters, the Third Exorcists are revealed as the newest forces. They are from the unit Crow, and are humans spliced with Akuma cells, and Kanda doesn’t like it. He still says he doesn’t care, though, and goes on his next mission in Jordan. He runs into a Noah called Wisely, who says two words to him: Alma Karma. The Noah then breaks Kanda’s skull, and taking him to the North American Branch of the Black Order. Kanda awakens to see Alma in the ground (in a tank of sorts) under him, the expression on his face hard-to-read. Either he was dazed, shocked, horrified, it didn’t matter; once he recovers, he kidnaps Rhode because her “brother broke [his] hairtie” and runs for an exit, but he and Allen are blocked by the Noah. The Noah breaks Alma about of his tank, but Kanda asks who the hell is he. Everyone is shocked, and Rhode tries to tell him it’s Alma, but Kanda says he’s dead, and he ends up smashing Rhode’s head for saying that he’s alive, but before he can stab her, Allen stops him. Wisely then uses his ability to open a connection between Kanda and Alma’s memories. For a good three chapters, Kanda’s past is revealed, with Allen and Rhode being caught in his memories. Allen gets mad at Kanda’s behavior and punches Kanda in the forehead. In the process, Alma is awakened, and he has a sort of attack (or maybe a surge in power?) and the building is destroyed. He asks where Yuu is.

Kanda, by now, is conscious. He stands from the debris, wounds healing, and Alma immediately recognizes him. They began to fight, and Alma asks Kanda if he has friends now. Kanda responds by revealing a never-seen-before attack, slashing Alma without even flinching. The latter, however, is now an Akuma and recovers quickly. He deals Kanda a fatal blow. But it only makes Kanda all the more angry. He unleashes another new attack, hatred burning in his eyes as he says he’ll destroy Alma. But then Allen steps in at that moment and blocks Kanda’s attack. The chapter ends with Kanda’s murderous look.

Personality: (Broken up into sections for simplicity’s sake.)

He’s antisocial, and not in a way that would make people pity him. He hates too many things and likes very little. He’s…Kanda. With a fierce resolve to not die until he fulfils his promise, and damn good Exorcist at that.

Kanda knows his strengths and weakness; he makes a point of looking down on anyone he considers naïve, gets his jobs done, and just wants everyone to go away and leave him alone. He’s not afraid to give his opinion on things, especially when he thinks they are foolish. Black is black, white is white. Akuma and Noah are enemies that should die, and if anyone says otherwise, they’re idiots. Yet while he hates naïve people, he hates promise-breakers even more.

Part of his personality stems from his past; one might say he’s a bit jaded to pain because he doesn’t think anyone else has gone through the hell he has. The Black Order he serves might be saving the world, but it’s got its ugly skeletons in the closet that he knows about but refuses to speak on. Kanda doesn’t want anyone’s pity; his life is his own business.

He has to be admired for his sense of duty and purpose; he thinks tactically and for the most part comes out on the top of fights. Perhaps it has to do with the fact he can’t die, but it has more to do with the fact he refuses to admit that he’s protective of the world he’s in. What drives him? The desire to live. But Kanda doesn’t live aimlessly. Day after day, he carries out his order, with little thanks (Not that he wants it). He lives for the sake of living, in the hope of an old, old promise he made to someone whose name he can’t even recall. But if the world to be destroyed, how would he keep his promise? He might deny being a saviour, but there’s no doubt he’s every bit as stubborn as Allen when it comes to protecting something.

Is there even a figment of warmth in him? Yes. He’s not above grudgingly admiring people. If he did, that would be denying the truth (and he’s brutally honest). There’s Noise Marie. His Master. Maybe Lenalee. And during the aftermath Level 4 attack, he doesn’t give his usual “Che, I don’t care about the dead” speech. And while he might have spats with Allen, he knows the importance of keeping all the Exorcists around if they’re going to win this war. So while he snarks about others being stupid and hating teamwork, he hardly fights alone.

Kanda, despite being generally hostile, isn’t someone who lives on dreams and ambitions. He thinks rationally and his answers are blunt and curt. He doesn’t seem to be able to lie very well; hence the fact he tends not to give his opinion on things for fear of being looked upon as showing concern.

His greatest strength is probably his force of will. It’s why he keeps his promises, why he refuses to die, and why he lives. Few can change his way of thinking-he lays out distinctly what he believes in and what he doesn’t believe in. Someone can’t accept it? Fine; he doesn’t care. Other people’s opinions don’t matter. He’s lived and dead and then lived again-he bases his beliefs on his experiences and experience alone. The word of another can’t be trusted until he has tested it. The grounds of this is probably because wherever he goes, he see illusions of lotus flowers everywhere-if he is to function and not go mad, he has to trust the one thing that will not fail: experience. So he scoffs at things he considers weak, with very good reason-either he doesn’t know them firsthand, or they have proven to be weak in his mind.

He thinks things are black and white, but his actions say otherwise. Kanda cannot be called suicidal, though his actions seem to lean in that direction. I prefer to call it daring. He knows he has something the other Exorcists don’t, and he sees it his duty to finish his mission, trusting his body to heal fast so that he can fight. He knows he has a limit, but he isn’t the sort of person to sit around and perhaps gain a few years to his life. In his mind that translates as being foolish. While he isn’t like Allen, Kanda keeps his promises and plays, unwillingly, a hero in the process. When Allen was mistaken for an Akuma, Kanda was the first to be on sight. When Allen was about to be stabbed by an Akuma, he countered the attack despite debilitating injuries. When he meets with Skinn Bolic, he faces him down to finish his mission and take down the Noah who was targeting his Master, General Tiedoll. When the order goes out that Allen is to be killed should the Fourteenth manifest himself, and it happens, he doesn’t kill Allen. And despite his behaviour, he still “che’s” and says he doesn’t care.

Another is his temper. He might have once been an adult, and he’s level-headed in battle to the point of indifference, but his temper is rather childish in some cases. Call him “Yuu” and he threatens to kill someone. He doesn’t like teamwork, calls people names, and is insolent to even authority. Bookman steals his hairtie and he takes down several Finders to get it back.

His disgust for Finders and especially for Allen, and his general aloofness toward people is also apparent. Presumably, he calls people nicknames to scorn them and to keep them away from him. Of course, he can’t quite throw off certain people like Marie, Allen, Lavi, or Lenalee, and while he might never admit, he still has friends.

Skills/Special Powers:

Abilities -
Kanda excels in swordplay, even without his Innocence. He is capable of fighting with various swords (though he does complain about their quality when compared to his personal sword, Mugen). He’s good at pinpointing his target and finishing his missions. Kanda also utilises hand-to-hand combating on some occasions.

Powers -

Kanda’s Innocence the Equipment type. It is in the form of a sword he calls Mugen (“Meaning Six Illusions”). It was first forged as a chokutou, but after it was shattered, Komui reforged it as a katana. To activate it, he runs his index finger and middle finger down the flat of the blade, saying, “Battou, Mugen. Innocence, Hatsuduo (I may have this spelling wrong).” (Unsheathe, Mugen. Innocence, Activate)

So far, only Four Illusions have been revealed:

• Kaichuu: Ichigen (Hell’s Insects: First Illusion) - Releases a horde of insects.

• Nigentou (Double Illusion Blades) - Holding his sword in one hand, Kanda generates a “sword” in his other hand that is just as sharp as Mugen is.

o Hakka Tourou (Eight Flowers Praying Mantis) -He slashes the enemy eight times.

• Shouka (Sublimate) - Activating the power in his tattoo (see “Tattoo”). The next two illusions require Shouka.

o Sangenshiki (Three Illusions) - Using his life span to increase his speed and strength.

• Tsuke (I apologize if I have this spelling wrong), Mugen (Consume, Mugen) - If Mugen is broken, the pieces can be reconnected with this.

• Bakuhakuzan (Explosive Spirit Slash) -An explosive slash.

• Shigenshiki (Four Illusions) - Newly revealed; not much is known about it yet. From what can be gathered, it increases his speed (perhaps making Kanda himself appear like an illusion to his opponent?)
• Gogenshiki (Fifth Illusions) - Newly revealed; not much is know about it yet. The sparks turn black, and little else is revealed.

He was a Second Exorcist, and because of the experiments he went through of trying to synchronise with his old Innocence, he needed a fast way to regenerate. The scientists put the tattoo on him, though after time, his regeneration rate is slower.

His blood apparently carries healing qualities.

1st Person:

[ Some fumbling; buttons are pressed and it finally reveals video. Upside down. A pair of dark, scowling eyes is the only recognisable thing. ]

-the hell is this? [ His voice grounds this out, and the communicator is shaken. ] How the hell am I in Edo right now?

…oi, Beansprout. If I find you’re responsible for this-your imminent death’s going to be more painful now. [ He glares icily-well, as icily as an upside-down glare could be. ] Getting in my way like that. Che. You and your damn “saving everything” thing.

[ Eventually he clicks a few more buttons and everything goes dark. ]

3rd Person:

“Yo, Yuu!”

He snapped out a hand and smacked Lavi in the face just as the other Exorcist tried to jump on him, not even looking up from his book.

Kanda reads? Of course he does. And the next idiot who tries to ask that will have his eyes stabbed out.

“Yuu…” Lavi whined, holding his nose. “Why’d you do that?”

“How many times have I told you not to call me that?” He had yet to look up from his book. “Go bother Moyashi or someone else.”

“But I want to talk to you.”

Was that supposed to be a pun? He can feel his eye twitching. “Usagi, go away.”


“Go be Bookman or record history or whatever you do.” His hand snatched up a cup of green tea and gulped the rest of it. The liquid was hot and bitter with grittiness in the bottom; the way he liked it.

“Fine. I won’t talk.” Lavi places himself in the chair across of Kanda, book in hand. “I’ll just read. Happy?”

“Just shut up already.” He finally looked up to give the other a glare that said he wanted to be alone.

The redhead only put a finger to his lips and opened his book. “Shh, Yuu, we’re in a library.” He winked before hiding his face behind his book.

There was almost the audible sound of teeth grinding. His fingers itched for Mugen, but he finally went back to reading, hoping to leave once Lavi was engrossed in his book.

And yet his mind wandered. He hadn’t been exactly reading; thinking was more like it. Why?

Because his time was running out. He was regenerating at a slower rate. There were phantom pains that lasted for hours even after healing. It hardly improved his mood and was hanging over him. All he wanted was to complete his missions in a suitable way, eat soba, meditate, train, and sleep. Never mind all the stupid events that were constantly going around. Never mind that stupid Moyashi who was trying to save the world and screw up any mission they had to take together.

He didn’t need Lavi bugging him. Didn’t need Moyashi needling him. Lenalee worrying about him. Maybe he was beginning to be weary of life.

Annoyed, he flipped a page and stared up at the ornate ceiling decorated with sculpting in marble.

Ridiculous, the way people spent money on architecture.

“Ne, Yuu, this book is boring.” Lavi yawned, breaking into his thoughts. “Want to go spar? I still have to try to beat you. Your book looks boring, too.”

Yes, he mind said, but he didn’t say it. Rather, he slammed his book shut, stood, and grabbed Lavi by the scarf. “Get going, then.”

“Waaa! Yuu, you’re choking me!” Fingers scrabbled at his hands, but he ignored it.

“Shut up. Where’s your Innocence.”



Well, at least the people around him provided distractions from his mind. He supposed that was all they were good for.

“Hey, if I win, I get to call you Yuu for a week with you threatening me.” Lavi finally yanked himself out of Kanda’s grip, straightening his scarf.

As if he’d lose to the usagi. “Whatever. You only think.”

Distraction, indeed.


Questions: I apped at a slightly bad time; if I’m accepted, I can’t rp until after Aug. 7th. Is that all right?

info, lunar_abyssus, rp

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