I feel the need to touch base. Gah... I'm a shitty friend. I can only hope that everyone here knows that they are still dear in my heart. Because you are! (btw, thank you for all the holiday and birthday greetings... really. many super thankies)
So Sean... yes, my life still revolves around Sean... He is growing and leaping like the little monkey that he is. It would be best if I sent everyone to his website thingy... yes. *G*
http://seanalan.childsights.com/ Ack! He's got my phone! He's about 19 months old now, and the terrible twos are sneaking in more and more every day. HELP!
I've been decluttering my house and life lately. Lots of things given away on Freecycle (glorious organization that it is). Maybe that's why I'm able to write today. The more cluttered my surroundings are, the harder it is for me to cope. Again, I find myself asking, "Can I return to HOL?"
Nah... I must first maintain friendships *then* think about teaching again. LOL... I've even been thinking of giving my book some attention again. I can't even READ a book lately much less write one! Dreams. At least I'm dreaming. That much is good... right?
Sad today when I realized that I didn't manage to set up a new Hufflepuff account. I still love my Badgerish roots.
Please kick me in the ass when I go missing! I don't really *like* to go missing. I love my friends. I neeeeeeeeed my friends.
Ok, my dad wants me to take Sean up to their house before he leaves town.
Oh, and if anyone writes to mrsnerd@msn.com ... well... I'm better at checking that account. *G*
Tooooooootles and Noooooooodles!