Dec 08, 2004 13:43
I started to write a story not long ago and although writing is not my strong point, I seem to enjoy reading this if I do say so myself.
What do you think....
barcode (-adj ) registration or ownership over item, electronic lazor strip containing comptuter
accessable information.
Magazines, books, toys, videos and DVDs, packages, phones,
All of the above contain that little black striped code that holds possession of the item and contains data and information regarding the product in question.
The twenty fifth day, of the seventh month in the year of two thousand and four was the day that hearts, minds and souls belonging to the human being became tools, numbers, viral documents and items of possession to those who want to rule them.
Seven hundred and thirty six days prior to the possession, government forces imbessold top secret software designed and sold by 'unclassified Mr.X': a mastermind in the obtaining and storing of actions and feelings belonging to that of the human race. These forces built what they call a 'Helix', an electronic dome riddled with well crafted V-Doc files containing souless innocents who had lost the battle for sanity and spiritualality.
It was as simple as a marking much like a tatoo. An engraved row of black vertical bars vearying in width above a horizontal row of thirteen English numerals; a barcode
Martina Preston, (1971 - 2004) was reported to be one of the first innocents to be ruled by the Helix and it's Drones. Witnessed by a twenty one year old Todd Clancy, his statment declaired an elaborate obduction by quote: "Person coated with shiny metalic skin. Wasn't a man, but wasn't a woman." He had sighted this now-known-as "Drone" placing it's left hand apon Ms. Preston's nape as she slowly slumped to the ground. A trial took place in the courthouse of fifty six year old Judge Michael Rankin on the sixteenth day of the fourth month that year. Clancy was placed in witness protection as police searched for a person wearing a silvery/whtie lycra suit. A cerfew was placed apon the patrons of Denril as further investigations where conducted.
Three hundred and seventy five hours after Todd Clancy's witness protection took place, Denril Hospital faxed through to police a patient file from their computer on Clancy. The file displayed numerous admissions of Mr. Clancy regarding overdosage of a European drug named Mirage. This round shaped tablet is thought to cause strong helusonations and voices heard in the head.
This evidence was presented to Judge Rankin in a re-trial and Mr Todd Clancy was now a suspect to murder and was relocated twenty five miles south to Looster Territory's Drug and Alchohol Dependancy Unit. Twenty eight hours after his enrollment, Todd Clancy was found dead on the floor of his bedroom, body demonstrably beaten and neck snapped.
Twenty four hours later Danielle Forrester conducted an ortopsy. There was no evidence what so ever of the iledged drug Mirage in Clancy's body. In fact, there was not any trace of substance at all. These tests spoke for last six moths of his life. The body was dusted for prints and Forrester was baffled to find several fingerprints belonging to Martina Preston.
Denil Hospital's computer file was cross searched many times and no admission for overdosage was recorded as it had been three hundred and seventy five days ago.
The original fax was dismissed as a fraudulent hoax and an heart felt apology was made to Clancy's family.