An Odd Experience...

May 10, 2006 15:22

And my hands are shaking cold, yea these hands are meant to hold...

Friday night I went to visit Melissa and hang out. I decided to come back to lansing later that night because well I love my bed. It was very dark and not wanting my scary neighbors to know I was home, i didnt turn on any lights. As I was walking from the door to the bathroom after a long car ride I stepped in something mushy. I thought...hmm thats an odd feeling but I probably just left something in the hallway. So I proceeded to the bathroom.
Then on my way back through the hallway, I stepped in it AGAIN. Now I was curious as to what exactly I was stepping in. As I flipped on the light imagine my horror at what I was looking at. Yes, someone had a little too much fun that evening and for some reason unknown to me couldnt make it the additional 3 feet to the bathroom so decided to puke all over the hallway, and then the kicker, NOT CLEAN IT UP.
I have some experience in this puking in my apartment, mostly from a long night of drinking SoCO and then Kourt on new years eve, so I thought I was prepared to clean it up. However, at closer inspection it appeared that I was not the only person who stepped in this puke. Rather the puker did also. So it was nicely spattered all over the walls and grounded into the carpet. I proceeded to leave my apartment yelling at the top of my lungs till the puker came out from hiding and let him know exactly how I felt about stepping in puke.
Back to the story, the clean up was disgusting and I know most of you are thinking why would you clean it up, well the reasoning is three fold, a) the positioning of it was making it impossible to access the bathroom b) the puker was still puking c) it was starting to dry and smell. Spending the rest of my friday night cleaning it up was an awesome experience and I want to thank all of you who's puke I have cleaned up (kourt, dan, mike, melissa...etc) for not eating lettuce, b/c that is the worst to clean up.
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