I can't comprehend God's timing in our world.

May 13, 2004 20:04

Can you? I mean, I talked with David and Victor and decided to give E-way another shot. The same time there is a surge of influence in the youth group. What am I supposed to do guys? I am asking God and waiting for a response, but where is it? I can worship God full-heartedly and press in, but He hasn't been sayin nothing. I dunno what He wants from me if he's not sayin anything in awhile.

This whole "revival" thing. Not to jinx anything, but how long will it last? It wasn't so good in the beggining of the year. Two of my Christian friends are trying to influence me badly. I'll just pray for them and our situation 'coz frankly, I don't want to hang around a bunch of foul-mouthed people. Even when I was an athiest, I kept curses at the minimum. That was the way I was raised.

Some people I know who dislike me for many reasons...I don't know what you want from me, but if you dun wanna let me be a part of anything then at least leave me alone. I dunt need another person lecturing me. I dunt need another friend who talks trash and I have to sit there and listen to it coz I'm weak and can't stand up for any friends. I ent got that strong character everybody else has and I'm not having people post how cool they think I am. I dun like flattery.
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