Title: Dreamhunter
Author: Elizabeth Knox
Series: First in Dreamhunter Duet (second is Dreamquake)
Published: February 2006
Genre: Fantasy, young adult?, historical
Pages: 365
Cover: It fits the book well. I don't really like it (which makes sense, since I didn't like the book either) -- seems like it was published much before 2006.
Rating: DNF
Recommended for: Fans of Robin McKinley.
Review: shorter, stream-of-conscious, no spoilers
You know how some authors have the great talent of writing gripping scenes with great (but not too much) detail, amazing characters with in-depth relationships, a world that's gradually revealed but awe-inspiring in its structure? I'm thinking Suzanne Collins, Scott Westerfeld. We're talking good writing -- vivid.
That is not this book.
The best way I can describe this book is pale. I could never get a grip on any of the characters -- the few moments when I did they seemed obnoxious and annoying. The world's similar to ours but different enough that I was completely lost for most of the first part (gradual revealing is good, but it was getting ridiculous). The theme of corruption and justice had potential but were treated with a very heavy hand.
The plot was the one thing that kept me slogging through the book, but even that couldn't keep me going with the lack of good, close characters. I didn't want to have another DNF, but it wasn't worth it.
I do feel like I'm missing something because I've seen a lot of positive reviews for this, but I just couldn't connect with this book.