Title: When Darkness Comes
Author: Alexandra Ivy
Genre: Urban fantasy, paranormal romance
Series: 1st book of Guardians of Eternity, I think
Published: January 2007
Pages: 380
Rating: Yet another DNF. This is starting to get ridiculous.
Review: short, didn't make it far enough for spoilers
The writing style in this is purple, the characters bad, and the romance worse. The heroine-the-tragic-past, Abby, and her sexy-guardian-with-the-dark-secret, Dante (and really, Dante?), have nothing in common except the ability to hide their all-consuming lust for each other with witty repartee; and even that doesn't last (as talking is replaced with sex very quickly). Their emotions and reactions are flat and unconvincing. Abby spent a lot of time whining about her past, and Dante about how he had been locked in eternal servitude but didn't want to take the opportunity to escape because he was in love with Abby. After knowing her three months. Yes, who wouldn't want to trade their freedom for a girl they had met three months ago? Overall, not much to recommend about it.