
Jun 17, 2008 13:36

? Name: Ian van Santen
? Gender: femme
? Age: 18 -- 19 in one week.
? Location: Toronto, On
? Sexuality: Straight

About Yourself
? Relationship status: Single =)
? Job status: Unemployed, and it's making me crazy.
? If you're anything like me, you've used other shit than ganja, what else?: Mdma/E, K, Shrooms, Coke, Hash, Salvia, Dex, Booze
? What's your stoner status? (How long have you been tokin?) Going on 6 years -- but i would only consider myself a 'pothead' for the last 4.

? Do you prefer to smoke socially or alone? Socially, for sure.
? Do you smoke cigarettes, what kind? I'm in the process of quitting (which actually means i didn't smoke for about a week, and refuse to admit that I'm smoking again.) -- Benson &Hedges Special Blend.
? Do you drink the alchohol? Fav. Drink? Jack Daniels <3. Rye + Gingers, and Gin + Tonics
? What's the shittiest thing you've ever had to deal with in your life? Chemical addiction.
? What's your best high memory? (if you can remember) Getting Stuck in the snow for 4 hours at 3 in the morning with a friend i had only really hung out with once before. we tried to dig ourselves out for the first hour, then gave up, hot boxed the car, and ate almonds that his mom had conveniantly hidden for just such an emergency. When the tow truck guy came we told him there was a dog that jumped out of nowhere; in reality -- we just thought driving through the snow would be awesome.

This or that.
? Tupac vs. Notorious B.I.G: B.I.G.
? Cell phone vs. Lighter (in terms of light, not flame obv.): lighter, i like to kick it old school.
? Ignorance vs Knowledge: Knowledge is power.
? Hydro vs. Exotic vs. Beasters vs. Whats your favorite kind? haha: Exotic
? Jimi Hendrix or Jim Morrison?: Hendrix
? East vs. West, or South vs. North: East vs. West
? If you were on a deserted island that was full of wild marijuana and you could only have five things with you, what would you bring with you? : a bong, a pack of BBQ lighters, Super Nintendo, Tunes, and Ms. Vickies Salt and Vinegar chips
? Joint or Blunt: Blunt
? Rolled or Pipe: Bong?

You like this..

? Music? a little bit of everything, i like to think; Ex: Megadeth, Lordi, Rage against the machine, Refused, Peaches, Cormega, A Tribe Called Quest, RJD2, Ubiquitous synergy seeker, Portishead, Garbage, DJ Hype, Pendulum, Tenacious D, Carla Bruni, In flames, Fall of Troy, Incubus, Chromeo, Radiohead ...all i can think of right now....
? Movies: Doomsday, Mad Max, Dr Strangelove, Casa Blanca, Children of Men, everything every made by Darren Aronofsky, Tank Girl, Sin City, Candy, The entire zombie movie genre -- excluding Diary of the Dead, that suckkkked.
? Munchie: Ms. Vickies Salt and Vinegar, Poutine, Pizza, Waffles, Sundeas, Greek Salad.
? Person: Noam Chomsky
? Smoking area (IE: room, woods, backyard, wherever): my shitty apartment <3, Rooftops

? Show Doctor who and Heroes
? You stonedest guiltiest pleasure Singing and dancing in my underwear

Tell me..
? Are your parents okay with your smoking?: my mom doesn't like it, but she accepts it. and my dad's a pothead (we're dutch).
? Do you have pets? That DO NOT get high?: Mutton Chops/Wookey/Shnookey/Kitty (all the same cat) -- she loves the ganj...

Stoned Kitty.
? What celebrity (dead or alive) would you want to toke up with?(this is a good question): Soren Kierkegaard (sp?)
? Is there any drug you wouldn't try, why?: Meth/Crack <--- That shit makes you ugly.
? Are you a functional pothead like me?: hells yes, its when i'm not high that I'm a little strange.
? Raise your hand if you love the Simpsons. *Hand raising*
? Have the police ever given you shit? (Arrested, confiscated, citations, etc.) I was blazing in a park with a friend a few years ago when some bike cops pulled up -- they asked to hit our spliff. I love Canada
? What are your religious views, if any? I'm an Agnostic -- soley because being an atheist is fucking depressing.
? What do you think about the war on drugs? (besides that it's a waste of time) I think drugs are an amazing thing -- they open your eyes to all the little wonders of the world -- it's when people become dependent on drugs, and use it to escape reality that there is a problem.

? Post three or more pictures of least one when your high or tokin up

My Roommate(left) and I(right)


Getting caught in the rain

After the rain (gross picture -- but it display's my bong nicely ;) )

Rolling in a tent at the weed march (it rained :( )


I like my Whiskey

Okay, so i know thats like a bigillion too many pictures, but yea...

show us your smoking device:

Sir Hubert Ozwald McGetyouHigh

Medic and some ground up weed, i think, in the shape of a weed leaf.

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