dang..long time since i updated

Jul 10, 2005 22:39

heyy homies
wow its been a long time since ive updates my lj,since like my birthday,well yay we gradyated (ha im a little late)and its now summer.i was gonna go to summerskool at elcomino but my mom wouldnt let me becuz she works nighs and she would of got home at like 8:30 am,o well at least i get to sleep longer.most of u already know that i might go to canoga high.if u dont know already,its becuz i live in the canoga high area and they said i have to go there.so i got an open enrollment to elcomino but im # 60 on the waiting list,and theres 400 people on the waiting list! so i might get in.well hopefully ill get in.so anyways,if anyone wants to hang,IM me or call me
well ttyl
peace out<3
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