It's good to be alive again.....

Apr 20, 2009 21:25

Um, I was going to write a full report on my weekend at the Flying L Dude Ranch, but the lazy part of me of is sitting here, munching on my chocolate easter bunny, saying "Nooooo, that'll take too longggggg-uh....." so you guys are just gonna get a kind of list/thingymabobber.
  • Stayed in a closet half of a villa with 5 other girls. Cute little thing. The other six girls in the villa had the bigger half. >:I
  • Toilet wasn't working right at first and had to be fixed. Krista and I realized that we have some sort of issue with the toilet in the place we stay in on EVERY CHOIR TRIP SO FAR.
  • Got 'reverse-humped' by a gay guy on the tractor 'taxi' ride back from the 'dance'. Thanks a lot Johnny.
  • Saw some deer and.....gazelles? In the country? Who knew.
  • Played a rousing game of Apples to Apples. Lauren gained the nickname "Phone" and Nixon became technological, tidal waves became soft, and sloppy joes became neat. We decided.
  • Rode a horse named Romeo. He was a little stubborn, but still pretty.
  • Watched the end of Spiderman 3 when I wasn't feeling good and came to two conclusions: Topher Grace and Toby Maguire should act together in more films and James Franco's characters should never die.
  • Also, House makes everything better, no matter where you are. Especially when baby hands come out of the mother's open stomach! :D
  • S'mores by a campfire+Kelly playing his guitar with Patrick and Nick making up songs=Omar the Dragon Slayer and Tie Your Pecker to a Tree.
  • Got a sunburn on my nose and a bit on my cheeks, so I have slight perma-blush like baby faced Ruben, who wouldn't stop being so freakin' adorable with Haley! I could d'aaaaaaw for hours over them. CUTEST COUPLE EVER, I SWEARZ IT.
If all of that other stuff wasn't enough, I'm pretty sure the last night made it the trip for me. I mean, let loose some choir students on a playgorund and a volleyball court, and they're utterly content. The swings made me feel like a kid again, smiling and laughing as I went higher and higher.

And when I looked up and saw the sky filled with stars, something I swear I had never seen out here, I froze. It was beautiful. It was "something worth sharing with someone", and that's not a phrase I say often. I remember walking back to the villa with Krista, listening to one of the boys sing a Christian song along with Kelly's guitar. We didn't make it inside for another hour or so because we chose to lay at the end of the walkway and appreciate the sky while listening to Backseat Goodbye and the Wayne Kerr band, naming stars after people we missed. It's something I don't think I'll ever forget.

choir trip

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