Christmas, cartoons, and crack pairings, oh my!

Dec 25, 2008 23:18

Merry Christmas guys! Long time no post, huh?

Weeeell, it's a been a while since I've written anything here, so let me start by saying THANK THE LORD FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK! I've been waiting for this for a while! School's just been so.....AGH. Just AGH. Yeah, I end sentences with non-words, so what? You know what I mean! D<

SO. What'd I get for Christmas, you ask? A CRAP LOAD OF MOVIES: The Dark Knight, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Mamma Mia!, Kung-Fu Panda, 27 Dresses, The Sex and the City Movie, The Holiday, Batman Begins, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Superman Returns, and, like, 10 others that we got before Christmas. SERIOUSLY.

I also got some cute pajama pants, an awesome guitar necklace, Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM, Apples to Apples (BEST GAME EVER.) and the new Killers album, Day and Age. Listened to it earlier; it's pretty nifty. Brandon Flowers is still my hero. <3

Oh, from here on out, you guys are going to have to watch me when I walk. Yes, I said walk. Cause the other day, when I was out with my family, I tripped on the sidewalk, fell, and my knees totally ate it! The right got away with a bruise, but the left? Not so lucky. I'm missing skin there. Yeah. And the bandaids my mom got? Leeches. "Super-Stick Adhesive --stays on until you want it off" MY ASS. Freakin' sticks to you like _____ (use your damn imagination!) I also have a new hole in my pants! Basically, me+walking+sidewalk=EPIC FAIL/INJURY.

Also, watch me when I'm eating giant, chocolate covered pretzels. I could take a bite, start laughing, choke on on a sprinkle while laughing, and finally cry from the laughing/choking combo. It totally happened two days ago, no joke.

OH, and you know what? firstday_icthus and I wrote this REALLY HOOOOT fanfic together. The pairing? James/Jasper from Twilight. So it's crack. So what? It. was. SEXY.

Hmm, I was gonna do a survey, but I got distracted by 6Teen, which I LOVE, btw. Maybe tomorrow. Night guys. <3


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