I've never heard of them before, but I think I'm starting to. I really love this: http://www.meru.org/contin.html because it explains things the way that I do. I totally understand their language. the whole thing is like a map of my life (over the last 5 years anyhow.) It really reminds me of my days as an aspiring christian hermeticist, and the hermetica of the Tarot, and the numerology of the Tarot and the name of god and sacred geometry and natural geometry..etc. Back then everything was so connected in symbolism and I'm getting back to that place again. Only now I tend to think in absolutes, which can sometimes be frustrating because absolutes don't lend themselves very easily to thought. it's more like a thought rather than thinking. :P I really like the pattern: 123 456 789 where it's like 1,2,3,4. but then 4 becomes the "1" for the sequence 4567, and 7 becomes another one..etc. four elements, four seasons...4 is the physical number. 1 is the creative initiating number, 2 is it's reflection/duality, 3 is the product and 4 is the domain...etc. father, mother, son, world. Then the world is the father. but it all repeats creating a spiral. I'm probably not making much sense. that stuff just reminds me of christianity and it's opposite at the same time. on one hand you have all this christian symbolism wrapped up in it, but on the other it's really just a reflection of numerical patterns repeated through nature. It makes you wonder what came first, (assuming that causes have effects I guess). And I'm not really a raging christian, it's just the reference point I was given. I'm aware that these things were there before christianity existed...but I still see those universal patterns and architypes in terms of christianity because that's how I was raised.
meru: i dig 'em they have some special keys.. but also some weirdness (like the Rabbis in the movie Pi wierdness. All against this guy Dan Winter. and it makes no sense cause winter's heart is allabout this stuff and not to abuse but discover... it's odd-- but if you like the meru you will love winter....
(this link here has a great powerpoint with all of Winter's work).
ohhh! i can't resist, here's one more from Winter's groups:
"that stuff just reminds me of christianity and it's opposite at the same time." ..as for the info resonating with your previous incarnations' hermetic info:p There would be no point in bringing in new values, if they had to fight with the older ones. For a new value system to become THE system, it has to accept, engulf, and go beyond the previous one... so if you have a language of christian symols, thats how it will read-- and then use that as a launch pad, heh heh heh....
Am pretty curious about the hermeitca and tarot-- i didn't see that many pics in a curosry glance, but looks like tree of life (kabalah?)symbolism... oh jeez, who knows, huh? personally, I try not to get-to-the-bottom of it, just play and laugh and love enjoying the mystery... and any port of insight in a storm! so, while not raised at all christian there's some stuff that has BLOWN my mind... like The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta, by a swamiguy named Prabhavananda which gives a vedic interpretation, actually made me cry while reading... but even moreso-- and curious to know what u think of these people, the Essenes, they really got to me (bible time: they sprouted, were raw vegans, used rock dust, communed with nature, and believed that life & the divine was from a MOTHER & FATHER....) very curious, and probably you've already met a number of essenes in the raw world, still, what do you think, FSB? (the actual first book in that link cost $1, always has(tho free and online, too).... by book 4 they get WAY into wheatgrass (not bad for some peeps hangin' a few thousand years ago....)
But its awesome that your symobols can be re-invigorated, renewed and found useful yet again... we all bring our particular tool-belts, honed over time in the funniest of ways...
I've heard of the Essenes and they intrigue me but since I found out about Raw veganism before the Essenes It sortof feels like some things might have been emphasized to serve as rawfoodist propaganda. But then again I haven't read them yet so I can't judge too much. I just found it really strange that right after I learned about raw, there was suddenly all this evidence about the Essenes saying that raw is the answer and colonics are the way. It was just a bit too convienient. Something about colonics just turns me off, especially when the rest of it is all about living in harmony with nature and not putting it in our rear ends. But that was just my initial reaction, and I will read them eventually because I know there is a lot of beauty in them. :)
ha ha u funny, FSB! and sure makes sense that if you are living the way an essene master lived u dont need colonics (or what they did, which was *apparently* more like multiple enemas till the water coming out was as clean as going in).... but if you are going in to civilians and starting from a cooked meat eating behavious, then the colonics will come in handy even if they seem a little weird....
strange that as you're getting into the raw thing you start to hear about essenes? doent sound that strange at all-- the main dood in the essene world is Edmond Bordeaux Szekeley ("the Professor") and his students included Gabriel Cousins (Tree Of Life Raw retreat) and Victoras Kulvinskas, two biggies in the raw world, so it kinda makes sense (the professor also hung with Aldous Huxley and Helen & Scott Nearing... and a bunch of other 2nd generation raw enthusiasts)
im not trying to convert you at all-- am no zealot! but do like good info :p
one awesome thing i do knwo of is that the essene 'biogenic battery' meditations kick serious ass! and their thing with wheatgrass is pretty wild!(in that link i sent, book foour is a lot about wheatgrass)
i was just thinking especially with what you mentioned before about your upbringing... i know personallym i was raised very parochial too (but jewish)was the leader of the junior congregationm bible camp... all that. Before becoming the balck sheep... and started my own discovery expeditions, at which point, became very critical of the whole religious thing as well as highly critical of the one i was raised in (am still and probably always be staunchly antizionist and have many issues with both that particular religion as well as them all in general... duh). One thing i definitely got out of the essense was a deeper level of (not sure what to call it) that allwed me to actually go into a religious event and not only not be critical of it but be at peace with it and groove on an esoteric level... i dunno, for me it certainly helped both accept and understand where others were coming from as well as at the same time allowing me to be even more radical (woo hoo) --ok end of commercial break--
I really like the pattern:
where it's like 1,2,3,4. but then 4 becomes the "1" for the sequence 4567, and 7 becomes another one..etc. four elements, four seasons...4 is the physical number. 1 is the creative initiating number, 2 is it's reflection/duality, 3 is the product and 4 is the domain...etc. father, mother, son, world. Then the world is the father. but it all repeats creating a spiral.
I'm probably not making much sense.
that stuff just reminds me of christianity and it's opposite at the same time. on one hand you have all this christian symbolism wrapped up in it, but on the other it's really just a reflection of numerical patterns repeated through nature. It makes you wonder what came first, (assuming that causes have effects I guess). And I'm not really a raging christian, it's just the reference point I was given. I'm aware that these things were there before christianity existed...but I still see those universal patterns and architypes in terms of christianity because that's how I was raised.
meru: i dig 'em they have some special keys.. but also some weirdness (like the Rabbis in the movie Pi wierdness. All against this guy Dan Winter. and it makes no sense cause winter's heart is allabout this stuff and not to abuse but discover... it's odd-- but if you like the meru you will love winter....
(this link here has a great powerpoint with all of Winter's work).
ohhh! i can't resist, here's one more from Winter's groups:
"that stuff just reminds me of christianity and it's opposite at the same time."
..as for the info resonating with your previous incarnations' hermetic info:p There would be no point in bringing in new values, if they had to fight with the older ones. For a new value system to become THE system, it has to accept, engulf, and go beyond the previous one... so if you have a language of christian symols, thats how it will read-- and then use that as a launch pad, heh heh heh....
Am pretty curious about the hermeitca and tarot-- i didn't see that many pics in a curosry glance, but looks like tree of life (kabalah?)symbolism... oh jeez, who knows, huh? personally, I try not to get-to-the-bottom of it, just play and laugh and love enjoying the mystery... and any port of insight in a storm! so, while not raised at all christian there's some stuff that has BLOWN my mind... like The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta, by a swamiguy named Prabhavananda which gives a vedic interpretation, actually made me cry while reading... but even moreso-- and curious to know what u think of these people, the Essenes, they really got to me (bible time: they sprouted, were raw vegans, used rock dust, communed with nature, and believed that life & the divine was from a MOTHER & FATHER....) very curious, and probably you've already met a number of essenes in the raw world, still, what do you think, FSB? (the actual first book in that link cost $1, always has(tho free and online, too).... by book 4 they get WAY into wheatgrass (not bad for some peeps hangin' a few thousand years ago....)
But its awesome that your symobols can be re-invigorated, renewed and found useful yet again... we all bring our particular tool-belts, honed over time in the funniest of ways...
strange that as you're getting into the raw thing you start to hear about essenes? doent sound that strange at all-- the main dood in the essene world is Edmond Bordeaux Szekeley ("the Professor") and his students included Gabriel Cousins (Tree Of Life Raw retreat) and Victoras Kulvinskas, two biggies in the raw world, so it kinda makes sense (the professor also hung with Aldous Huxley and Helen & Scott Nearing... and a bunch of other 2nd generation raw enthusiasts)
im not trying to convert you at all-- am no zealot! but do like good info :p
one awesome thing i do knwo of is that the essene 'biogenic battery' meditations kick serious ass! and their thing with wheatgrass is pretty wild!(in that link i sent, book foour is a lot about wheatgrass)
i was just thinking especially with what you mentioned before about your upbringing... i know personallym i was raised very parochial too (but jewish)was the leader of the junior congregationm bible camp... all that. Before becoming the balck sheep... and started my own discovery expeditions, at which point, became very critical of the whole religious thing as well as highly critical of the one i was raised in (am still and probably always be staunchly antizionist and have many issues with both that particular religion as well as them all in general... duh). One thing i definitely got out of the essense was a deeper level of (not sure what to call it) that allwed me to actually go into a religious event and not only not be critical of it but be at peace with it and groove on an esoteric level... i dunno, for me it certainly helped both accept and understand where others were coming from as well as at the same time allowing me to be even more radical (woo hoo) --ok end of commercial break--
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