Title: Parting Gift
aislinoriel &
f_i_x_m_e Rating: NC-17
Summary: It's only a day before Jiyong's scheduled departure to LA. But when the one he loves only leaves him with cold words, it's all he can think about. When his flight gets postponed, will he drive back home to prove his love, or decide his work is more important? GTOP
Genre: Angst/Humour/Romance/
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omg, you're brilliant at love scenes. x.x;
Thanks so much!
We both tried our best, I was having major trouble writing it since it's my first fic, let alone smut, so it's good to know it turned out good! :D
gosh, my first time, I was giggling and too shy by the time I got to the kissing. >.<;;;;;
your icon is adorable. D:
So is yours! :3
thank you. ^^what was it? o.o
I must ask... your username reminds me of a song by Velvet... is it? o.o
Ah no.
It's the name of an album by the Canadian band Marianas Trench.
ah~ just curious. :3
Brilliant? Really? This was a lot of fun to write, much on part to my lovely co-author~ thanks for reading and commenting dear!
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