Dec 15, 2006 18:29
for those of you who don't know me in person, and don't REALLY grasp the trainwreck that i am, i thought i would blog the contents of my living room table for you.
note: when derek came over....i dunno...3? 4? days ago, the table was mostly clean. now, the table contains:
*various jars of rhinestones
*gem glue
*box of cap'n crunch christmas berries cereal
*small woodburning tool
*catwalk fashionista hair product
*half of hobby lobby's jewelry aisle inventory
*38 tiny skull charms
*a tray of curing resin castings
*4 remote controls. (one tv, one dvd, and two for my dvr. one of which is not working at all, one of which is working marginally.)
*no less than 4 candles. i can only see four from here.
*tarina tarantino heart necklace from mike
*glass of water that says "gary is my nizzle" with gary coleman on it. (last year's xmess from summer)
*handmade glass bowl from sten (decorative bowl, you assholes. not for smoking weed.)
*various pliers, scissors, exacto knives, and handmade jewelry stencils
*digital slr.
and no, the table isn't that big.