(no subject)

Sep 26, 2010 13:27

I know I said this would be a fic & icon journal but I find myself having things to rant or remark about and no one who hasn't heard me say it before...

I had my wisdom teeth out on Friday. Since you can only do general anesthesia in a hospital, they sedated me instead, which I found rather disturbing. I know for a fact that I was aware during the surgery, but I don't remember any of it. The IV went in, and then he was telling me to open my mouth to put some gauze pads in, and I had that fleeting sensation you get when you wake up and a dream is already slipping away.


The painkillers are working, thankfully-- and no, my fingers are not finging :D

Friday was also my youngest cousin's 7th birthday, so yesterday my mother and I went to NJ to see the rest of the family. Aunt, uncle, cousins, grandparents, friends of my aunt and uncle's who are more like unrelated family, and their children.

And the dog, who is really a person who just happens to have a wet nose and a fluffy tail. I know anyone reading this will think their dog is the best dog, but you are WRONG. (It's okay, I'm sure she'll forgive you, haha.)

I don't often realize it, but I am extremely lucky to have such a big family that I love. Other people have really awful relatives, but they are great (besides my father, but let's not talk about him). And since I don't see them that often, they don't have the opportunity to drive me insane.

Hmm... how to refer to various people? Two of my cousins have the same first initial, so perhaps I will call them cousin-1.5, cousin-8, and cousin-13 (for how many years they are younger than me). I suppose I may as well admit here that I am 20. My older sister is D. and her husband is S. and their kitties are Lizzy and Darcy. (How S. allowed this to happen, I have no idea :D)

Okay I have been typing long enough... back to messing around making icons. (BTW, pixlr is an excellent image editor for those of us without photoshop.)

Right now I am going about and snagging icons. And some screencaps to make icons myself.

ETA: 3 Dead Like Me icons. Rather ugly, I think, but I haven't been doing this long. If anyone actually wants them, go ahead and take, but please don't hotlink, credit please, etc etc.


family, icons, dead like me, daily life

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