School is KICKING my ass. Badly.
I'm working on my
otp_100 stuff, but it's taking a backseat to IRL school dramaz.
I'm trying, but I recently missed three days of school and have gotten ridiculously behind. Plus, my muse for original fic has returned.
But it's causing me to write the most effed up, R-rated story I've ever done.
It actually has nothing to do with laziness this time.
I've actually recently gotten back into online RPing, and I love it, but again school is murdering me and making it hard to keep up on posts. If you RP with me and are effected by my FAIL, I apologize.
Okay. Ranting. About LJapp. WHY THE HELL IS AUTO CORRECT TURNED OFF. It is killing me. Also the controls are weird and the having to view comments in Safari is inconvieniant. But mostly the lack of autocorrect is pissing me off.
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LiveJournal app for iPhone.