Jul 04, 2010 18:11
I might as well keep doing it. So documentation and memory recordation here we go.
This summer off has been... mellow. I've been planning to turn my classroom into a beautiful treasure of calm and buying supplies to do so.
A few wedding-ish projects here and there.
The trip to Chicago was sweet, the wedding we went there for just fine. Chicago was definitely the highlight. My little brother is such a good host. We went and got brunch, then walked around, then went to a bar hoping to see the US play Ghana. The tv area was full up but the patio was lovely and we sat in the sun and drank beer. Then we went home and smoked tobacco from a hookah and then went out to play horseshoes in the park. Then a brief nap then out to eat dinner at the bar where Eric works. He let us taste lots of funny beers like the newest craze, 'sour' beers. We also went to Hot Doug's and ate exotic dogs. They have alligator but I didn't get it because I really wanted a cheese coney.
Yesterday we went to buy me supplies for my Tuesday oil painting class, then on a long bike ride to the Mission and went on a little cafe crawl, sitting outside drinking beer (me) and coffee (him), biking to a new cafe and repeating. Then on to Precita Park and laid around laughing.
Today, we woke up and drove to Target to buy me a tennis racket. Then we walked to a park to play tennis. The courts were full so we walked to the other park and empty so we played. I'm not very good but would like to get better.
Then, drove to San Bruno park about 3 miles from our house. I had long suspected there was good hiking up there and it did not disappoint. Eucalyptus trees everywhere, weird desert like plants, 360 views all the way to the Oakland. And we avoided going over a bridge which was awesome on this holiday weekend.
Took some eucalyptus home for our bathroom and looked up youtube videos on "How to give your dog a puppy cut." Then we actually did it! I fed Baba spoons dipped in yogurt while B got him with the clippers. He was a good boy and he looks so cute now.
On to SOMA for a bbq later but refusing to go to the Pier in all that madness for fireworks. Hoping to go up to Bernal Hill instead.
Overall relaxing but I do miss work- it's definitely a big part of me.