Apr 30, 2001 16:09
i had a horrible nightmare last night ... there might have been a presence but i couldnt tell. i was too scared to go back to sleep. i had to call ben ....
it was a really chlidish nightmare. but oddly enough is seriously scared me, i woke up and my heart was beating way fast and stuff
it was just like really weird i dont remember much but like there was this guy and he started to transform into a monster and what was so scary was its deep voice and it was after me and Jodi and i tried to get her to run from it before it did anything but she was frozen so i had to go get her and yeah it sounds stupid.. but uh yeah i was scared for some odd reason .
it almost remeinded me of a demon
when I woke up i started praying and rebuked any spirits
i have never been scared from a nightmare like that before ....