What I Need

Jan 02, 2007 09:35

I've never really thought about what comes next.  You know, next.  After this life.  I don't have a very big family, at least not here in the states, and what few distant relatives do live out here, most of them died when I was very young.  So, while I may have occasionally thought about the afterlife, it's never been something that I really mulled over and formed my opinion on.

Times they are a-changing.

I need to know what happens when we die, and I think that my reasons why are fairly obvious.  I have to develop a hard and fast rule for this.  As Amy/
vis_major and I have talked about during one of our many conversations, I'm no longer afraid of dying.  I'm just not.  I used to be.  I dreaded the idea of me being dead and what would happen to me.  I'd like to live, but the idea of death doesn't really scare me anymore, not like it used to.  I say this because there seems to be two main outcomes when it comes to the afterlife.

1 - That there is an afterlife.  That we, in some way, carry on and that I will get to "see" Star again.

2 - That there is no afterlife.  That when I die I will rot away into nothingness and it won't be so bad because I won't have to feel this pain anymore.

These options don't seem so terrible to me.  The only problem that I have with the second one is that Star would also be gone forever, and I really don't like the thought of that.

I wound up picking up that book Spook the other night at Barnes and Noble.  (Well, that and the fourth season of the Shield.  My collection is now complete!)  I had a gift card or two from the holidays and that item was still sticking out in my mind.  I haven't cracked the spine on it yet, but today is my day off and I do have a fair amount of laundry to make clean, so I'm thinking that this book may have a decent dent in it by day's end. 

star, big issues

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