So, I've decided to rewrite HFYB, guys. I know it wasn't very popular on here, but well, I love it. It makes me happy to write it, so that's what I'm doing at the moment ^^ I still haven't decided if I'm going to just... repost it and take down the old one, or have the old one and new one both be up? Because the way I'm rewriting it changes a lot of things, so.... I'm not sure yet? For the time being, however, I'm not posting the new write on LJ at all, but if you'd like to read it, you can do so
here! I hope you guys give this story a chance, seeing as how it's my, oh I don't know, favorite story ever :P I'm already finished with part two, and already love it that much more. I know we all have to start somewhere, but my old writing still makes me cringe. I've rewritten a LOT of
my stories for AFF, so if you ever want to check those out as well, feel free to do so! I just thought I should tell you guys on here instead of keeping you all in the dark on the off chance you DID like this story! Love you guys! <3