[at first, Estelle appears to be moving up and down in a seasickness-inducing manner. Watch it for long enough and realize it isn't Estelle bouncing - it's the Pokémon holding the Gear as Estelle holds out her hand to display her newest prize:
We did it! All of our hard work really made a difference. Sunny, stop bouncing, you're going to make people dizzy.
[the camera obligingly stops doing vertical leaps]
I think we ought to celebrate. Let me see if I have enough... [as she digs in her back, Estelle comes up with a handful of berries. Almost on cue, her stomach rumbles loud enough to be faintly picked up over the Gear, and she blushes.]
I suppose a little something now wouldn't hurt anyone.
[And she eats her berry handful in instant before Sunny is able to drop the Gear and stop her. ...Too late now.]
Sunny, why are you making that face? ...Really, they didn't taste like too much at all... [No, she really has no idea what will be in store for her very soon.]