Jan 16, 2007 23:39
Yo mamma's so fat Cleave hits her twice.
Yo mamma's so fat she has to cast featherfall before she gets on the elevator.
Yo mamma's so fat her character sheet weighs 20 pounds.
Yo mamma's so stupit she got a D- in her armor class.
Yo mamma's so fat she has to polymorph her butt to the front to wipe it.
Yo mamma's so fat I cast expeditious retreat and I was still in her threat range.
Yo mamma's so fat when she charges its an area effect.
Yo mamma's so fat when she leaves a buffet she gets a doggie bag of holding.
Yo mamma's so ugly she has to use sneak attack to pet the dog.
Yo mamma's so ugly she relies on 2 words to get laid: (Hold Person)
Yo mamma's like cursed armor: always getting penetrated!