goddess47Title: Building Together
Rating: G
Character/s: Stiles, Sherrif Stillinski, Chris Argent
Summary: John really didn't know about building walls, so he went looking for help.
Warnings: None
Content Notes: Post series
Submission Type: ficlet
Word Count: 470
Prompt: #163 - Unexpected; #205 - Amnesty
Author's Notes: Part 2 of the Vault series
John Stillinski didn't want to admit he was impressed by the plan the Pack had come up with.
Well, not the actual plan, since they really didn't have one, but the thought behind it was a good one. The Pack was starting to come into its own -- growing up.
He hadn't known there was a Hale vault under the high school, and that there was a way in from the high school basement.
Building walls wasn't exactly something he was experienced with, so he went to Chris Argent for help.
"I knew there was a vault somewhere," Chris admitted. "And that Kate had gotten Derek to let her into it." He rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. "But I suspect I should stay away from this project."
"Oh, right," John realized. He probably shouldn't tell Chris where the vault really is. Just to remove any temptation. What Chris didn't know, he couldn't share.
"On the other hand, I do have a suggestion..." Chris added.
John nodded when he heard it. It was... unexpected but, somehow fitting.
Stiles arrived home for the holidays in his usual whirlwind style.
"We all set?" Stiles asked after he hugged his father warmly.
"I've lined up some help, and we've taken a look at what needs to be done," John replied. "Once everything is in place, it really should be two days. One day to do the building, and a second day for the finishing work."
"That's perfect!" Stiles grinned. "I should be able to do the wards as part of the finishing work."
"Okay," John said. "Now, how about some dinner?"
John had been amazed that Stiles hadn't grilled him about the help John had lined up. On the other hand, Stiles had been busy catching up with Scott, Lydia and the rest of the Pack.
Needing to be relatively discrete, John had arranged to rent a pickup truck to haul building materials to the school. He had most of the material delivered to his house and had made sure they had the proper tools for the work.
Stiles rode in the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio. John pulled into the school parking lot and stopped at the back door.
"I know where we can get a cart," Stiles volunteered, as John unlocked the doors to the building. Being the Sheriff had advantages -- he could get keys to the school without too many questions being asked.
"Go," John directed. "The others should be here any time now."
Stiles looked questioningly at that. "Who all is coming?"
"You'll see," John grinned. "Go get this cart. Otherwise, you'll be carrying all this stuff to the basement."
John watched closely as Stiles came back through the doors with the squeaky flatbed cart.
He didn't miss the delighted look on Stiles' face.
"Peter! Derek!"