{FICLET} All in the Family (Derek/Stiles; G)

Nov 23, 2016 19:05

Author: simplyn2deep
Title: All in the Family
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Derek/Stiles, Claudia/Sheriff
Character/s: Derek Hale, Talia Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Claudia Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski
Summary: Stiles and Derek have something important to share with their parents.
Warnings: none
Content Notes: none
Submission Type: ficlet
Word Count: ~824 words
Prompt: 200 Family Dinner
Author's Notes: Continuation of 136 Kept. Set sometime in the future with Derek and Stiles now in an established, committed relationship.

Stiles gave up the idea of perfect a long time ago, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try his damnedest for perfection. It didn't matter this was family and he didn't have to impress anyone; this wasn't his 'I'm trying to impress you' act he was trying to play off.

“Stiles, would you relax,” Derek chided softly as he walked into the kitchen, stood behind his husband and wrapped his arms around his waist. “This is just a simple dinner with your parents and my mother.”

“And we're likely going to unload to biggest, to date, secret on them,” Stiles continued as he took a shuddering breath. “What if they think it's too soon?”

Derek stepped back so that he could turn Stiles around and look him in his eyes, “It's not too soon. We've been together for a few years now, and just like when we negotiated the start of our relationship, we discussed and planned this. They're going to be happy for us.'

Stiles nodded his head. He knew all of that, but he couldn't help but worry that everyone would think they were rushing into things. Giving into whatever peer pressure was around them with their now married friends.

“Are you okay to finish in here, or do you need my help?” Derek asked.

Stiles looked up and smiled. “I'm good in here. Though, you could cut the turkey and take it out to the dining room for me.”

“As you wish,” Derek said with a wink and a smile.

Stiles shook his head and went back to the food he was working on. They still had another thirty to forty-five minutes until anyone would be showing up.


The first half of dinner had gone off without a hitch. Derek and Stiles had successfully, for the most part, created a simple pre-Thanksgiving dinner for their parents and now it was time for them to give their news.

They knew their parents were curious as to why they insisted on having a pre-Thanksgiving dinner, but they didn't want to pass up the chance at being together as a family during a time when everyone was rather busy with work.

Stiles and Derek had been silently communicating with their eyes, eyebrows and heads for the better part of ten minutes before John spoke up.

“So...are you going to tell us or do I have to shine a light and interrogate you?'

“Mom, Dad, Talia...” Stiles began, “We asked you to come over because we have something important we wanted to share with you first, before it became common knowledge and you found out from someone in town.”

Derek looked at his mother, who was smiling encouragingly at him and he took a breath.

“Stiles and I have been discussing this for a while now, and we've decided that at the start of the year we were going to look into growing our family.”

“We're going to start the adoption process in January,” Stiles finished with a tumultuous smile.

He looked at his parents and was relieved to see they weren't upset or angry with their news. If he had to guess, they looked excited.

“We called it, John!” Claudia exclaimed happily as she pushed her chair back and quickly got up to hug her sons. “Talia and I were right!”

John groaned, but there was still a smile on his face. “You guys couldn't have made this announcement three months ago? I was convinced you were going to share that news when you came back from your anniversary trip!”

“I was expecting an announcement at Christmas, I'm so very happy for both of you,” Talia said as she too pushed her chair back, stood up and went to hug Stiles and Derek.

Stiles and Derek laughed as they hugged their mothers. “I gotta say, I wasn't expecting this reaction.” Derek replied.

John reached over and patted Derek's hand. “We're happy for you son and can't wait to spoil our grandbabies.”

“Now Melissa and Peter will have to deal with us bragging on our cute grandkids,” Claudia said.

Talia snorted. She knew what kind of pain her brother and his wife put the Stilinski's through for the last two years, always bringing out the baby pictures or forwarding videos that Scott or Allison sent to them, if they already hadn't seen them from Chris and Victoria or proud godfather, Stiles.

“Be sure to save some bragging for me,” Talia said. “I owe it to my brother to give it to him as good as he's done to me.”

A timer went off in the kitchen pulling them from their excited chatter. “That'll be the pies!” Stiles exclaimed as he jumped up. “Derek just made vanilla and caramel ice cream to go with it.”

“I'll have a large helping!” John said. “I'm going to be a grandpa, after all!”

type:ficlet, c:stiles stilinski, p:claudia/sheriff, c:talia hale, c:claudia stilinski, c:derek hale, *c:simplyn2deep, c:sheriff stilinski, pt 200: family dinner, p:derek/stiles

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