Fic: Wake Up

Jan 01, 2016 16:39

Author: themaskedmckay
Title: Wake Up
Rating: G
Pairing/s: None
Character/s: Peter Hale
Summary: Peter may be trapped in his own mind but that doesn't mean he doesn't have goals.
Warnings: None
Content Notes:
Submission Type: Ficlet
Word Count: 607 words
Prompt: #153 - Goals
Author's Notes: It's been a while since I last wrote anything. The brain is stiff... and not in a good way.

He knew this wasn't real. There was fire, and screaming, and the smell of his own, sizzling flesh. They were all things he'd experienced before. They weren't real.

Just when he'd start to 'pass out' to escape it all, he'd 'wake up' right back in the middle of it.

Whenever he tried to work out where he was, why this was happening to him, the intensity of the scenario would amp up making it impossible to think. He had to piece things together using the brief moments he had between 'passing out' and 'waking up'.

The first thing he realized was he wasn't dead because death had been quiet and boring, not a punishment.

He'd prepared for his death but Scott, and his stupid principals, hadn't killed him. His preparations only would've worked if the True Alpha had killed him. Ugh. Everything had been so carefully lined up, too! Scott would kill him and his spark would've become tainted leaving him vulnerable to the measures Peter had set up. Leaving his spark vulnerable to Peter... piggybacking off of it like he had Derek's spark. It would have made him strong enough to go after an alpha on his own and steal himself his very own spark. He hated having to be a parasite. many cycles did all that thinking take him? The passing of time was impossible to track.

The second thing that came to him was a memory; Eichen House. That memory actually shocked him into numbness for a few cycles. Derek... had sent him to Eichen House! His own blood had betrayed him! There would be a reckoning for that.

The third thing that seeped into his awareness was just how broke he was. Not in spirit, his spirit was fine, psychological torture was horrific, sure, but he was starting to get used to it. It was amazing what you could get used to once you saw it for what it was. No, he was financially broke and that really hurt. That money had been owed to him for the years he'd spent in a coma. A coma that was one hundred percent Derek's fault. And, now, when he finally freed himself from this mental prison? He was going to have to become a criminal to make the sort of money it would take to keep him in the lifestyle he was accustomed to. Thanks, Derek. You made your uncle a criminal.

He'd been robbed, imprisoned, and tortured and it was done with the permission of his family and the oh, SO, pure True Alpha.

HA! They weren't half as noble and good as they thought they were and that made him feel a bit better.

It was getting easier to ignore the fire. It still hurt but the pain was something he was learning concentrate through. The screams... were harder to ignore but, in time, he would be able to block those out, too.

He was beyond Valack's stupid illusions. He was beyond his own mind being used against him. He had once lived in the mind of another it was foolish to remain a prisoner in his own.

Slowly, he began to get glimpses of the waking world. The smell of burned flesh was replaced with unwashed body, cleaning supplies, and strangers. Once, he'd looked up and seen blinding white light and heard the cadence of a conversation, even if he couldn't make out the individual words.

He was going to beat this. He was going to wake up.

And then? Well, he had more goals and this time he knew, he could trust no one.

pt 153: goals, c:peter hale

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