Ficlet: Life Changing

Sep 18, 2014 13:18

Author: midnightwolf414
Title: Life Changing
Rating: Teen
Pairing/s: Stiles/Lydia
Character/s: Stiles, Lydia
Summary: Lydia has a decision to make, a life changing one.
Warnings: minor mention of season 4, romance, future!fic
Submission Type: Ficlet
Word Count: 1000
Prompt: Decision
Author's Notes: Kinda just a little fluffy piece, I think. Tried my hand at a ficlet but not sure how it turned out. It took about an hour to write and this is the first time I'm posting here. Of course I don't own Teen Wolf or the characters.

Lydia had a decision to make.

She'd never been good with decisions, especially ones that she had to think about. Last minute, split decisions like charging at a Berserker with a baseball bat in the basement of the high school, those she could do. She could make those decisions confidently, knowing that she was doing the right thing, even if it didn't help at all.

Things like picking out a dress, where to go for dinner, or what movie to go see; those were the decisions she could never really settled on. One dress was too red or another wasn't blue enough, the gray didn't match her skin type and the orange clashed with her hair. She could go on for hours before actually making a final choice. In fact she'd done that so often her mother had pretty much thrown credit cards at her in order to go do something else.

She was just horrible at decisions, especially ones that concerned emotions rather than actions or choices.

“Come on Lydia,” Stiles urged for what felt like the millionth time over the last two days. He hadn't actually said it a million times, not even close to a dozen really, but Lydia felt like he was pushing her with every passing hour. She wanted to be sure of her answer before she gave it. Stiles wasn't that patient, thus he pushed.

“Stiles, don't push me,” she calmly said back, making sure her voice was level and didn't read of the nervousness she obviously felt. As much as she had liked being put on the spot in classes in highschool, she was learning that with her friends she'd rather not have the attention centered around her.

Stiles sighed, “I'm not pushing you. It's a simply yes or no questions, Lydia. Go with your gut feeling.” He was trying to reason with her, appeal to her logical side, because logically going with her gut feeling-as Stiles had called it-was what this question required. It didn't need to be heavily thought about, just felt. He was trying to remind her that sometimes things didn't need to be thought about, mapped out, or charted. It was one of the things she really did love about Stiles. He always pushed her to be more than the mechanically cold girl she had been in highschool before she'd formed the tight bonds with the pack, before everything had happened.

Hearing Stiles sigh just made her realize he was getting more impatient, and probably a little worried. In all their time together when it came to emotions they had always been frank and honest, quick to respond once Lydia had finally saw what was in front of her. She rarely hid things form him, rarely hid them form anyone she was close to actually.

But this...this was colossal and she just wasn't sure if she would make the right decisions. This impacted the rest of her life, and while she could get out of it, that would be a hard and lengthy process she had seen already. She was too scared of the past, of having seen what could happen, and that was what was making this decision so hard to make.

She heaved a sigh, looked to Stiles sitting there on the couch, his long legs stretched out before him crossed at the ankles. He was in need of a haircut but she didn't mind it that much, never had. She'd like his hair no matter how he wore it, buzz cut or messy. He had a concerned frown on his face, his whiskey coloured eyes reading just slightly of hurt as she took so long to answer him. He was chewing on his lip as he waited, a nervous gesture she knew all too well.

“Ask me again,” she blurted suddenly, watching as Stiles' eyes perked up.

“What?” he questioned slowly, rising to his feet slowing and coming towards her.

Lydia rolled her eyes and took a step to meet him. “Ask me again Stiles,” she ordered.

Stiles grinned now. “I'm not going to do it how I did before, that was a one time deal Martin.”

She gave a short laugh and shook her head. “I didn't expected you too.”

With a loop sided grin, Stiles pulled Lydia into him. He wrapped his long arms around her waist as hers went to circle lightly around his neck. He was taller than her, always had been. She liked that. She liked the fact that she had to stand on tip toes to kiss him or that he had stoop down if she didn't feel like reaching up for him.

“Go a head, Stiles, I'm ready now,” she whispered into the space between them.

“Lydia Martin, will you marry me and please dear God say yes,” he said making her laugh at the desperation masked behind the joke. He was so nervous and she didn't blame him. She'd made him wait long enough. Well, two days wasn't long really, not for her. It was two days of making sure the decision was the right one. She was sure she'd made the right one now.

She nodded softly, biting her lip lightly. She was nervous about saying it out loud, putting voice to such a life altering choice. However, she was more than happy with the decision she had made. “Yes, Stiles, I'll marry you.”

“Holy crap,” he breathed out quickly before closing the distance between them, his lips crashing down to hers.

Four years later and it was still a shock to her system, the way he made her feel. Four years of dating and fighting and loving. She hadn't realized how much she had missed by not noticing him until sophomore year. If she had seen him, truly seen him instead of just seeing this dork who played lacrosse...

Well, her decision then would have been completely different.

She would have never ignored him.

type:ficlet, c:stiles stilinski, pt 86: decision, c:lydia martin, rating:pg-13

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