Fic: Revenge of the Presents

Mar 07, 2014 21:02

Author: hellbells101
Title: Revenge of the Presents
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing/s: Derek/Stiles, background Peter/Brian O'Conner
Character/s: Stiles, Derek, Talia (OC),
Summary: Stiles did not like the way his father and grandfather were grinning as they handed over their gifts to his cub.
Warnings: N/A
Submission Type: Ficlet
Word Count: 658
Prompt:#60 - Birthday
Author's Notes: Part of the When you Howl Verse

He couldn’t believe that his baby cub was turning four today. She was perfect to Derek and Stiles. They were the heads of the pack and loved all of their pack, but their little one obviously and rightly held a special place in their heart.

Talia’s birthday was being held at the back of the mansion. He’d call it a backyard but he was pretty sure there was an upper limit for an area to be called a backyard. Peter and Brian’s twins were running around his legs as he carried out the food. He was expecting the whole pack en-mass and as a result he’d been cooking since five this morning and it was now eleven.

“Hey Little Ones, If you knock me over no food.”

The cubs looked up at him and Stiles was still bowled over by their buckets of cuteness. The twins each took after one of their daddies; little Laurel was all blonde curls like Brian and, Jack took after Peter.

Derek came outside carrying the mountain of Brownies. It was his job as being the ig bad Alpha Stiles was fairly certain that they would last until Dinner. As Pack Mom most of the pups would listen to him but apparently the brownies were food-crack and too damn good to listen to rules. Derek’s red eyes were a rule enforcer all by themselves. “You shouldn’t cook them if you don’t want them excited.”

Stiles snorted, “The Cubs or the Pups.”

Derek laughed, “Both.”

Stiles could not disagree. He looked around the land and smiled. All was well with the world and he couldn’t help but feel content. The cubs were playing, tumbling around the grass shifting as it suited them. The pack was starting to filter in and Stiles knew that this would be the best damn birthday party ever.

Now Stiles loved his cub with all his heart. He was well aware that their Little Alpha was the cutest and probably spoilt child in existence and her birthday was just a lavish party with enough excess to feed a small third world party.

Okay so maybe that was a small exaggeration, but only a small one. Talia was gaining gifts from Lydia, Jackson and let us not forget his Royal Grandpa. He was hoping, no he was praying to the goddess that the gifts would not send him and Derek nuts.
He looked over at his Grandpa and his Dad and saw the manic grins and he just knew that his prayers had gone unanswered.
… And he was right.

The kicker was Talia was so excited by the noisy toy Camaro that was just like Daddies that she was racing it everywhere. He just knew that the toy would get real old for him, real fast. And looking at his father and grandfather they knew it. He was waiting with a abated breath to see what his Grandpa’s gift would be.

His Dad was badass for a human and even the werewolves didn’t like tangling with him. Still his Grandpa was a Fae who had access to some serious magic. He had no clue what it could be and he was suspicious when the box came with air holes.

Talia looked delighted and squealed with joy as she was attacked by licks. Of course his Grandpa had got her a puppy. Not just any puppy though but a wolf pup. Stiles wasn’t blind the pup was magical and would be the witch equivalent of a familiar and protective of Talia. He had no doubt that the animal would drive them up the wall. He really hoped that Mr Alpha and Talia’s new pet got along as well or all would not be fun in the Hale household.

He just looked at them and asked plainly, “Is this revenge?”

The almost identical grins would make you think that were related by more than just marriage, “Absolutely.”

Stiles absolutely did not pout!

type:ficlet, c:stiles stilinski, c:derek hale, *c:hellbells101, pt 60: birthday, p:derek/stiles, rating:pg-13

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