Darker Days

Feb 21, 2014 19:16

Author: geeky_ramblings
Title: Darker Days
Rating: PG
Pairing/s: None
Character/s: Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski
Summary: It was no laughing matter
Warnings: Mentions of Alcoholism, Spoilers for 3B up to Letharia Vulpina
Submission Type: Ficlet
Word Count: 241
Prompt: #58: Laughter
Author's Notes: I don't own Teen Wolf, if I did the Sheriff would be mine. Beware: There are Spoilers for Season 3B underneath this cut.

They say that laughter is the best medicine. Whoever made up that phrase, didn't know what they were talking about. No matter how hard John Stilinski tried, he couldn't find anything that could cure him of the pain and hopelessness he felt. When he and Claudia talked about having children, they never thought this would happened. His wife's illness didn't show up until long after Stiles was born. After her death, John had hoped and prayed that his son wouldn't suffer from it.

They weren't answered, however, and now John had to watched as Stiles' brain began to deteriorate. He wasn't sure if he could do it again. It had enough when Claudia didn't recognize his or their son. Those were the days John couldn't keep himself away from a good bottle of Jack Daniels. He drank to forget how much it hurt to see his wife suffer.

Now John had to go through it again. He had to watch as his brilliant boy, who had his whole life in front of him, lost who he was. Stiles' memories about his friends and father would eventually fade. He would go deeper into dementia until finally John lost him all together. So no, laughter couldn't take his pain away or make him feel better. There was nothing that could ever; would ever make the Sheriff happy again. Not when he was about to lose the only person that was worth living for.

type:ficlet, c:stiles stilinski, pt 58: laughter, *c:geeky_ramblings, c:sheriff stilinski, rating:pg

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