Fic: Championship

Jan 22, 2014 15:26

Author: punk4life1315
Title: Championship
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Danny/Ethan
Character/s: Danny, Ethan, Stiles, Lydia
Summary: For the first time in years, Ravenclaw won the Quidditch cup.
Warnings: -
Word Count: 476
Prompt: 54 crossover
Author's Notes: I needed some happy Dethan after the last episode.

Danny held the Quidditch Cup up high as the stadium filled with cheers. It was the first time in years that Ravenclaw won and he felt pride that he managed such a feat during his first year as team captain. Stiles tackled him to the ground hugging him tight. “We did it!” The beater chanted. “We did it!”

The Slytherin team was already heading back towards the locker rooms all of them being sore losers besides two, the team captain and Danny’s best friend, Jackson as well as one of their seekers and Danny’s boyfriend, Ethan. Ethan was the first one to come over, helping Danny up and pulling him into a tight hug. “Congratulations, Danny.”

“You’re team lost and you’re happy?”

“My boyfriend won,” Ethan replied. “That’s why I’m happy.”

“Come on, Danny!!” Stiles yelled out. “You’re gonna miss the party!!”

Danny pressed a kiss to the wolf’s cheek before whispering in his ear. “Maybe we could have our own celebration later.”

Ethan stared at Danny with wide eyes before nodding and kissing Danny until he was breathless. “Until tonight.”

Danny smiled at him before letting himself be dragged back to the castle without even changing out of his uniform. Once back in the common room he saw Lydia, the team’s seeker being held up high and everyone calling out her name. As he passed her they high fived. “Lydia, you were amazing out there today.”

“You too!” Lydia replied, smiling down at her friend.

Danny set the cup on the fireplace where it could be seen by everyone. Someone broke out some fire whiskey that would certainly be confiscated later and handed a cup to Danny with a, ‘cheers!’

The celebration didn’t wind down till well after midnight. It was a good thing that there weren’t any classes the next day because Danny was sure that none of them would have made it anyways. He slipped out as Professor Flitwick was scolding everyone for the firewhiskey.

He found Ethan in wolf form near the portrait of their secret place. He ran his fingers through Ethan’s fur and said the password to let them in. As soon as they were inside, Ethan transformed back into a human and pulled Danny in for a kiss. “I’m glad you won.”

“Even though it meant you lost?”

Ethan nodded. “Even though it meant I lost.” He took Danny’s hands in his and kissed him again. “You taste like firewhiskey.”

“Someone snuck it in,” Danny let go of Ethan’s hand and pulled a small bottle out of his pocket. “And I got some for us.”

Ethan let out a fake gasp of surprise. “Breaking the rules? What will everyone think?”

Danny uncapped it and took a swing before handing it over to Ethan. “Thank you, Ethan. For being so supportive.”

Ethan smiled and kissed his boyfriend. “Anything for you.”

p:danny/ethan, c:stiles stilinski, c:danny mahealani, type:fic, c:ethan, rating:pg-13, pt 54:crossover, *c:punk4life1315

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