Fic: Talk

Dec 05, 2013 17:22

Author: punk4life1315
Title: Talk
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Danny/Ethan
Character/s: Danny, Ethan
Summary: When Danny said they needed to talk, Ethan wasn't expecting this.
Word Count: 306
Prompt: 47 expectations
Author's Notes: I'd place this sometime before Motel California

Danny sat in front of Ethan staring down at the cup of coffee in front of him. The two of them were in a coffee shop not far from the shop, having driven there after the bell had rung when Danny asked to speak to him. The human was quiet and nervous, worrying Ethan.

“What did you want to speak to me about?”

Danny took a deep breath before looking up at Ethan. “There is something you need to know if you want to start a relationship with me.” He paused for a moment and Ethan sat up a little straighter as the smell of fear hit his nose. “I-I have-I’m...” Danny let out a soft sigh. “I’m HIV positive.”

Ethan sat there and blinked for a couple of seconds completely shocked. He knew something smelled off about the human, but he never expected it to be this. He didn’t expect Danny to be sick. Realizing that Danny was waiting for an answer, he reached out and placed his hand over Danny’s giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll have to be extra careful then,” Ethan replied, his thumb rubbing the back of Danny’s hand. “And I will make sure to go get tested every few months. Just in case.”

Danny let out a shaky breathe, a look of relief appearing on his face. “You still want to date me then?”

Ethan smiled and nodded. “Of course I do. This doesn’t change how I feel.”

Danny turned his hand and intertwined their fingers. “When I’ve told a few others, they-“ Danny stopped and shook his head.

Ethan gave Danny’s hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m nothing like the others. We just have to make sure to be careful.” He leaned over the table and kissed Danny softly. “I won’t leave you Danny. Not until you want me too.”

p:danny/ethan, c:danny mahealani, *c:punk4life1315, pt 47:expectations, type:fic, c:ethan, rating:pg-13

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