Life's Challenges

Jul 25, 2013 18:35

Author: geeky_ramblings
Title: Life's Challenges
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Scott/Stiles, Scott/Isaac
Character/s: Dr. Deaton, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski
Summary: The outcome of their night together could ruin everything
Warnings: MPREG, Spoilers, Slash
Word Count:794
Prompt: #28: Burdens
Author's Notes: I don't own Teen Wolf. This story considers spoilers for Season Three please proceed with caution if you haven't seen beyond Season Two.

They only were together for one night and yet the outcome of their time together could ruin everything. Stiles had been scared; after all there was somebody out there insane enough to kill virgins. He didn’t expect for his best friend to offer to help him with his little problem. As much as he wanted to turn Scott down, Stiles knew he could; not when there was potential of him being killed due to his lack of sexual partners. So before all the craziness and insanity that was their night at the Motel Glen Capri, Stiles finally lost his virginity to Scott.

It had been awkward, messy and a bit painful but Stiles didn’t regret what happened. He had been with somebody he cared about, even if loved Scott as a brother and not as lover. There was no one that Stiles would have rather been with that night, even if what happened afterwards was a huge cluster-fuck. Not that it was something that Stiles had planned. If he had known about the consequences of their actions; death or not; he wouldn’t have slept with Scott at all.

Four months later after a bout of nausea and not being able to keep his breakfast, lunch or dinner down, Stiles had gone to Dr. Deaton for help. After some research and little bit of google-fu, the teen had a feeling about what could be causing his symptoms. He just needed some confirmation for their supernatural guru. So in the late hours of the night he visited the veterinarian, who had confirmed his suspicions. He, Genim Jordan “Stiles” Stilinski was pregnant with his best friend’s child.

In that moment, he knew he had a choice tell Scott and raise the baby with him, give the baby up for adoption, have an abortion or raise the kid on his own. He knew his options and each of them weighed heavily on his mine. As much as he didn’t want to bother Scott about this, Stiles knew the right thing to do was to tell Scott. From there, the two could make a decision as to if they wanted to keep the baby or not.

The crux of situation, however, was that Scott was now dating Isaac. He was finally happy and Stiles was about to ruin it all by revealing his pregnancy to the werewolf. Yet, he knew that he had to be honest to his friend so after Dr. Deaton confirmed that he was indeed having a baby, Stiles drove over to Scott’s house. As the rest of Beacon Hills drifted off to sleep, he knocked on the front door. Praying that Ms. McCall was working a late shift at the hospital, Stiles paced a bit as waited for someone to answer the door.

It was only a couple of minutes before Scott finally opened it. With a sleepy, disheveled Isaac peering over his should, he beckoned Stiles to come inside the house. Knowing that it was now or never, the nervous teen blurted, “I’m pregnant,” before Scott or Isaac could get a word in edgewise. Shocked, Scott stood there for a moment as his boyfriend took his hand.

In that moment, Isaac promised himself that he would be there for Scott because he loved him. He wasn’t going to break up with his lover just because their might be a child involved. Besides Scott had been honest with Isaac and told him everything that had happened between him and Stiles before they started dating. Although he hadn’t been happy to learn that they had slept together, Isaac could understand the reasoning behind it. He also knew that Scott would have done just about anything to save his best friend for certain death. Now their night together had some complications of its own and no matter what they decided, Isaac would support them both.

“How?” Scott asked, as his boyfriend turned his attention back to the situation at hand.

“It was the magic of the blue moon; when a werewolf mates underneath it, their partner becomes pregnant no matter what their gender,” Stiles answered, parroting everything Deaton had told him. “I’m so…”

“Do you want to keep it?” He inquired, interrupting Stiles’ unnecessary apology.

“Only if you do,” Stiles replied honestly.

“I’m going to be a father,” Scott announced with a smile as Isaac squeezed his hand in support.

All Stiles’ fears and doubt were absolved with that one phrase. They were going to have a baby. Being teenaged parents wouldn't be easy but Scott and Stiles would give this child all the loved they could want. Although it would change everything, they would meet the challenges head on and they would do it together.

c:stiles stilinski, c:isaac lahey, type:fic, rating:pg-13, p:isaac/scott, *c:geeky_ramblings, pt 28:burdens, c:alan deaton, c:scott mccall

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