Jun 11, 2008 02:25
But between now and then. This one requires less thought |D
THE HACK RELATIONSHIP METER THING.In terms of progression, it goes red --> blue --> yellow --> pink, with 1-5 dots signifying how close you are to moving to the next level. The base color varies depending on the character. For example! Almost everybody starts off with a blue with Allen Luke. 8D Higher if they're a cute well endowed girl. Whereas, with Miharu Viral, most people would be red. IT'S SUBJECTIVE and pretty. And if you get anything in the pink range, chances are, they either love you madly, or want in your pants. Or both. :(
MY CHARACTERS ARE: Argilla, Ed, Jacuzzi, Kaworu, Kira, Luke, Reborn, Ticky, Vash, Viral, Zack
LIST THE SPECIFIC RELATIONSHIPS YOU WANT. Name as many as you like, just. Spell it out for me I play 11 people I forget things.
Argilla- Technically baselines at RED. But it's very easy to get a BLUE baseline if you present yourself to her as NOT AN ASSHOLE. YELLOW is for people she's genuinely fond of, with the higher numbers being reserved for comrads and PINK is pretty much just comrades but the ones she's especially fond of (read: Not Heat).
Ed- Much like Argilla, baselines at BLUE for Not Assholes and RED for assholes. If you're a character he YELLS AT A LOT chances are you moved up from red at some point (or are still in it). That said. It's fairly easy to get into the YELLOW with Ed if you talk with him regularly. He likes most people. PINK is PRETTY HARD though since he doesn't bond that closely with people.
Jacuzzi- BLUE baseline for PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE. The only way to get into the RED is to hurt his friends. Even Rail Tracer is in the blue. YELLOW is for friends. This is very easy to get. Just. Like him. Or be liked by him. SOMETIMES YOU CAN'T HELP IT. PINK is for active friends! People who treat him like they care about him and who he feels loyal to. ALL OF HIS GANG IS IN THE PINK.
Kaworu- RED is pretty much non existant. BLUE is baseline. ALL HUMANS GO HERE EVEN IF YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE. YELLOW for friends! PINK is for close friends |D HE'S VERY EASY.
Kira- RED is his baseline. It's pretty easy to get out of if you're human and hard to get out of if you're an angel or demon who. Acts like an angel or demon. BLUE is for people who are interesting or entertaining in some way! This is pretty easy to get. YELLOW is for people who. Some part of him genuinely cares about. MOST PEOPLE WILL CAP AT FIVE BLUES. Meanwhile Kira's EMOTIONAL CAP FOR EVERYTHING is five yellows. It's literally impossible to get PINK unless you are Setsuna, Alexiel, Sakuya or his dad.
Luke- Is very easy. Baseline at BLUE. I'm... honestly not sure you CAN score in the RED with him. YELLOW is for people he likes in some way and PINK is for friends.
Reborn- kinda similar to Kira but without the I'M NOT HUMAN AND DON'T CARE ABOUT PEOPLE restrictions. RED baseline. BLUE for entertaining. For family or special interest. PINK for people he's genuinely fond of in his black tiny heart.
Ticky- lol. THIS IS SORT OF A CASE BY CASE BASIS. RED COULD indicate dislike, annoyance or disinterest. Or exorcist/angel. BLUE is the baseline for people he doesn't find ACTIVELY DISINTERESTING. YELLOW is for especially interest/fun people who he talks to regularly and enjoys the company of! PINK is for FRIENDS. Regardless of. Whether or not they want his friendship. Family scores are not influanced by being family and can score anywhere.
Vash- JESUS. YELLOW is pretty much the baseline. In order to score in the BLUE he'd have to take you REALLY SERIOUSLY which he doesn't for anyone at camp. RED is not something anyone can achieve. PINK is for friends who aren't dangerous!
Viral- baselines RED for everyone equally. From there BLUE is "tolerable" and YELLOW is "reasonably fond/respectful" and PINK is "topped".
Zack- RED is pretty much a negative trait for him. You get there by pissing him off. BLUE is baseline. YELLOW is friends/awesome people. PINK is GOOD friends/REALLY awesome people. Zack is not complicated..